
Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Teaming up on Tuesday

This morning my routine got a little sidetracked because I had a dentist appointment first thing.  So my bed didn't get made and my time with the Lord was while sitting in the waiting room at the dentist office.  I did throw in a load of laundry, empty and reload the dishwasher and swish and swipe.

When I got home from the dentist, where I was informed I need a crown (ugh), I threw dinner into the crockpot and sat down here at the computer where I was greeted by Crystal of MSM and her 4 Weeks to a More Organized Home challenge, whose team I have joined.

Each morning Crystal posts the day's challenge and then checks back in the evening so that you can link your success story or cry over your failed attempt.

Part of her daily challenge is to incorporate a morning routine into your life and I have been doing this for years so I don't see any purpose in posting about it.  She also encourages us to spend time straightening the house which is also part of my morning routine.

So today's challenge is to clean out the refrigerator and get rid of at least 7 items.  This should be a piece of cake.  Not the cleaning out part...the getting rid of 7 things part!!  So I am going to take her up on her challenge but first I am going to go make my bed and switch laundry around.

This is my refrigerator before.

This is my refrigerator after.

And here is what I found to toss....
Bacon Cheddar dip that expired in January
A carton of unknown leftovers that had black fuzz growing on it.
A half jar of peach salsa with white fuzz growing on it.
A half empty and flat bottle of Sprite
2 black bananas that I was going to "use" last week
A container of egg whites that I was going to "use" 2 weeks ago.
One of those plastic thingies that hold cans together, no cans just the plastic thingie.

Since I ended up making a list here I am also going to team up with List it Tuesday and share Crystal's challenge with the folks over at Many Little Blessings.

And now that this challenge has been met I am heading down to get on the treadmill which was on my list of weekly goals that Crystal had us work on yesterday.  Have a wonderful rest of the day all.


  1. I believe my kids came to visit you - they are famous for putting those plastic thingies back in our fridge. So much funnier reading about it in your post that finding them in the back of my refrigerator!

    1. Oh the days of having young one's in the house....I remember them fondly.


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