
Friday, March 7, 2014

Five Minute Friday

It is Friday and that means that I join up with Lisa Jo Baker for a writing exercise that she calls Five Minute Friday.   This is an exercise in which Lisa gives us a one word prompt and we write on that one word for 5 minutes.  We do not over think or worry about editing.  We just write whatever enters our mind when we think of the prompt.  You should think about joining us.

Today's prompt is Willing.


The soul is willing but the body is weak.

This was the first thought that came to mind when I saw today's prompt.  Perhaps because it is Lent and I am giving up some things that are creature comforts to me.  Perhaps because I have not gotten on the treadmill in two days and I am fighting with convincing myself that I need to get on it today.

I always have such great plans and ideas when I am lying in bed at night before sleep comes to steal me away.  I think about everything I am going to do the next day and for all the days of my life.  I am determined that I will eat better, take better care of myself, be more patient, exercise more, spend more time in prayer....and on and on and on.

Then morning comes and I roll over and go back to sleep.  Or grab my phone and start playing games instead of my bible to start my day with prayer.  My soul is so willing but my body is very weak...I lose my resolve with the light of the day.  Some days


I normally run out of time in the middle of a thought so I will complete it now in direct disregard of FMF rules LOL.

Some days I do manage to roll out of bed and do the things I need to do.  Most days but not all days.  But today this little exercise has helped me to be stronger and I WILL get down on the treadmill and get all my chores completed with a smile on my face.


  1. You could be writing about ME! Thanks for your post. The soul is definitely willing and the flesh weak on this end! Blessings to you, friend as you get on that treadmill (of which I need to do too.)

    1. Well I am so glad that I am not alone Anne. Thank you for stopping by.

  2. Oh that lying in bed planning the next day gets me into insomnia trouble :-) Glad to have read your words this morning.

    1. You and me both Shawna. Thanks for coming over and have a great weekend.

  3. I gave up computer games as my creature comfort for Lent. I am hoping it will create those moments in my life to accomplish more of my list! (I make the same kind of bedtime list)

  4. I gave up computer games one was hard!!! Good luck

  5. When one of my sons had trouble quieting his mind at bed-time, I had to search for solutions. I had trouble like that, too but there's nothing like wanting to help your kids which in the end changes you, too. I call it "compulsive thinking" - and I needed to forcefully stop myself from thinking. They weren't awesome thoughts - just things I needed to let go of to rest. I'm glad you got stuff done and met goals - wishing you rest in your sleep!

  6. I used to have so much trouble making myself get up for exercise. Or trying to make myself eat right. And then beat myself up so bad when I continually failed. So I decided to love myself the way I am and quit beating myself up. Wanna join me for a cupcake? :)

    1. I would love to join you for a cupcake but I don't have room after all the snacking I did on my cookies LOL.


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