
Friday, January 24, 2014

Traveling, Dining and Relaxing

Yesterday was a long day for us.  We were up at 4:30 to get ready for our flight.  The drive to the airport was very stressful.  Even though we left 15 minutes early we were still arrived 20 minutes later than we had wanted.  Luckily there were no lines and we were TSA prechecked so we were able to walk right through and to our gate arriving just a few minutes before they started boarding. 

Then, due to deicing, the plane was late taking off and we arrived at our connection 20 minutes late.  Of course, our connecting flight was all the way on the other side of the Charlotte airport.  That is one HUGE airport.  We arrived to our gate just as the last people were boarding.

A short flight to Norfolk and we were here!!  We found an Italian restaurant for lunch and then went and checked into our suite at Hiltons Homewood Suites.  We caught up on all our emails, posts and games and then went to Chuck's house when he got off work.

For dinner last night we went to Freemason Abbey.  A very neat restaurant that was once a church.  The food was delicious, the atmosphere pleasant and the service was wonderful.

I started on this post early this morning before we went out for the day and ended up with computer issues again.  I think we have them resolved now so I will be back in the morning to tell you about our day today and with the book review on Calico Joe.  Good night all.


  1. I love the picture. You are nowhere nearly as grey as I am now! I lived in Newport News Va for a VERY short period of time way back in the early 1970's. Nice looking son!

    1. Thanks Paula. I still have color left in my hair. I stopped having it colored in November so I could see what I thought about it with the gray. Most of it is still covered but when I pull my hair back it is there. I will give it until the summer and then decide whether I want to keep it natural or color it again.

  2. I've done the last second connection in Charlotte.... not fun. Last time we connected there we got delayed 4 hours with a 3 year old Morgan.... we fly direct since then! Your visit Looks fun...I'm jealous.

    1. Well on a good note Jamie, Amy had her fitbit on and that was the only 20 minutes of activity that it showed for the day so at least we got a little exercise in LOL.


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