
Sunday, January 5, 2014

The 12th Day of Christmas, A Walk Down Memory Lane

This is it.  Today is the 12th day of Christmas and tomorrow we celebrate "Little Christmas" the Epiphany. 

If I were at home this day would probably be spent having the last party of the season.  Of course, Michigan is buried under a snowstorm, so perhaps it wouldn't have worked out this year.  Tomorrow is officially the last day of Christmas and on Tuesday we would start taking down our decorations.  That too will be delayed this year until I get home, but by next Monday we should have no physical traces of Christmas left in the house.  Hopefully the Spiritual traces will stay for the rest of the year.

This morning Natasha and I went for a 2.5 mile walk again.  Yesterday we walked and I talked.  Today we walked and she talked.  We have a year of catching up to do!!

It is a beautiful, sunshiney day here in California today.
I am sitting on the swing on my brother's back deck with my book.
This is my view.
 This afternoon we had lunch at the Spyglass Restaurant in Shell Beach.  I had the shrimp and lobster tacos...they were delicious!! 
Larry and Mary above and Mom below having lunch with a view.

Then we drove over to see Mom's sister Marjorie Joann.  We call her Aunt Joann but her husband, Richard calls her Marge.  He has never known her as Joann so sometimes it is confusing when we are talking about the same person but using different names.  My Aunt Joann is quite a bit younger than Mom.  She will be 78 next month.  She is in wonderful shape, exercises every day, taking golf lessons, swimming, etc.  I think it was hard for her dealing with the fact that Mom knows her one second and not the next.  Aunt Joann has been the keeper of the records for the family and allowed us to walk down memory lane while going through her old photo albums.  We removed numerous photos that she is going to scan and email to us.  I will share them when I get them.  It was a bittersweet afternoon for all of us.  While we were looking through the photo albums Mom kept wishing that her Mom could be here to see them.
Mom and her sister, Marjorie Joann.
Aunt Joanne was the 5th child, as was I.
My grandmother had 4 girls and 2 boys.
My Mom had 4 boys and 2 girls.


  1. I cant state this anymore nicely than this Wendy. I LOVE YOU. your friend forever Linda


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