
Saturday, January 11, 2014

Booking Flights and Book Review

Frank is online right now looking for the best price on tickets to Florida.  We are going in February to see our youngest, Nicole, and her husband, Pierre. We will celebrate Nicole's birthday while we are there.  We are also taking Lili and our Godson, Ryan, with us.  You might recall that we got them scuba lessons for Christmas this year.  On this trip we will take them into Key Largo for their open water certification.  Frank and I did our open water cert in a quarry in Ohio.  Visibility was about 10' and it was May and the water was COLD!!!   When we got Nicole certified we took her to Key Largo, when Ting got certified she did her open water in Fiji!!!!  Something is definitely wrong with this picture LOL.

I finished "The Book Thief" the other night.  Wow.....I loved it!!  I was able to relate to all the characters and I loved them even with all their flaws.  They were human and strong.  They were human and frail.  They were human and brave.  They were human and scared to death.  Hans and Rosa, the foster parents of "the book thief" grabbed my admiration at the beginning of the book and watched it grow as the story progressed.  The book is very different inasmuch as it is narrated by Death....and I even liked him!!!!  I think I want to see the movie now even though I am normally very disappointed in the movie versions of books I love....but not always.....take "To Kill a Mockingbird" for instance, one of my favorite books and also one of my favorite movies.

I have now started .  I will let you know what I think.


  1. I loved the Book Thief, too! They actually did a pretty good job on the movie. They skimmed over a few bit & I thought there could have been more "Death", but overall I was happy with it! Can't wait for your next book review!

    1. Thanks Amy. I will definitely watch the movie now and let you know what I think.

  2. You have peaked my interest enough to add this book to my Nook Wish list! Wish I was going to Florida with you. But I don't want to scuba dive. :)

    1. I think you will love it Paula. Let me know what you think after you read it.

  3. I loved this book! Unfortunately, I just watched the movie which didn't do it justice. A great read and skip the film.

    1. I didn't watch the movie, I often hesitate to watch movies of books that I love because they never seem to be able to do the book justice. Thanks for stopping by.


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