
Thursday, September 19, 2013

Fall is in the Air

I know it is only September 19th, my brother Larry's birthday, but Michigan does not realize that there are a few more days of summer left. I am sitting with my coffee, watching the mist rise off the front pond and can hardly keep from shouting with joy!  Fall is my favorite time of year.  I love the cool, crisp, clear days.  The thoughts of falling leaves, bonfires and long hikes in the woods. Trips to the apple orchards and cider mills.  Stews, pot-roasts, lasagna, soups....all those wonderful foods you put away for the summer so that you can grill and lounge in the pool with a margarita are now brought out and enjoyed before s'mores around a bonfire.  I have to admit that this cool weather we have been having has me rushing the season a bit.  We went to the apple orchard this past Sunday and got some Honey Crisp, Gala Supreme and Red Cortland apples.  It was too early for some of my favorites like Macintosh and Jonagolds so you know what that means......another trip to the orchards next month YAY!  I also picked up a recipe compliments of Verellen Orchards for Cinnamon Apple Pie Bread, Print Recipe.  This is in the oven baking as we speak and it smells mighty delicious in this house!!!
Delicious, I think this recipe will be a keeper .
For dinner tonight before choir we are having Hungarian Kebabs with a Creamy Paprikash Sauce served with Couscous with Peas.  These recipes can be found in Cuisine at Home, Issue #59.  I don't have any plans set in stone for the rest of the day.  After I tend to my animals this morning perhaps I will go for that long hike that my body is yearning for or perhaps I will work on some more Christmas projects but right now I am going to pour myself another cup of coffee and have another slice of that Cinnamon Apple Pie Bread.  Have a wonderful day all.

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