
Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Blackberry Glazed Chicken #BerryWeek

These delicious chicken breasts are grilled to perfection and then brushed with a Blackberry Glaze instead of BBQ sauce.  They are delightfully different and incredibly tasty.

Blackberry Glazed Chicken

This is my second contribution to Berry Week hosted by the ladies of Festive Foodies.......
The administrators of our Festive Foodies group asked us to join them for a week long celebration of Summer Berries.  The party started on Monday.  I joined in yesterday with a wonderful Main Course Salad and I'm back today to share this amazing grilled chicken recipe.

Let's see what the others brought to the celebration today........

Wednesday Berry Week Recipes

Blackberry Glaze

The star of this dish is this lovely, silky, blackberry glaze brushed onto the chicken during the last minutes of grilling.  It adds an amazing depth of flavor to the boneless, skinless chicken breasts.  You could also use this glaze on a whole chicken or on your favorite chicken parts.

Blackberry Glazed Chicken pin

I served this chicken up with a side of Macaroni Salad and Broccoli Salad.  It was a wonderful meal that was not only yummy but quick and easy to make.

#blackberries, #chicken, #grilled, #glazes,
Entrees, Chicken, Grilling
Yield: 6 servings
Blackberry Glazed Chicken

Blackberry Glazed Chicken

Prep time: 10 MCook time: 30 MTotal time: 40 M
These delicious chicken breasts are grilled to perfection and then brushed with a Blackberry Glaze instead of BBQ sauce. They are delightfully different and incredibly tasty.


  • 6 (6 oz) boneless, skinless chicken breasts
  • seasoning salt, to taste
  • 6 oz. blackberries
  • 1/4 c. water
  • 1  1/2 T. balsamic vinegar
  • 1 T. sugar
  • 2 T. butter


  1. Place the blackberries, water, sugar and vinegar in a sauce pan over med high heat.  Cook and stir for about 20 minutes, stirring and mashing, until reduced by half.  Press mixture through a fine sieve or food mill into a bowl, removing all seeds and solids.  Stir in the butter while still hot.  Set aside.
  2. Season chicken breasts with seasoning salt and place onto a grill heated to med high.  Cook for 5 minutes, flip and cook for 5 minutes longer or until an internal temperature of 165* is reached.
  3. Brush the breasts with the blackberry glaze, flip an cook until glaze is set, brushing the other side.  Flip again, cook until set and serve.


inspiration for glaze from Country Living.
Fat (grams)
Sat. Fat (grams)
Carbs (grams)
Fiber (grams)
Net carbs
Sugar (grams)
Protein (grams)
Sodium (milligrams)
Cholesterol (grams)
Created using The Recipes Generator


  1. That glaze sounds wonderful! I bet it adds a ton of flavor.

  2. OH my goodness! I need to defrost some chicken pronto and try this!

  3. My husband has been asking me to make something with a blackberry sauce or glaze. These will be perfect!

  4. First you had me at grilled chicken, which is my favorite. Then you went and added in the blackberry glaze!!! I am salivating, they look so amazing! I can't wait to try your recipe!

  5. I can't wait for gameday so I can make these wings. They look packed with flavor.


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