
Thursday, October 24, 2019

Invitation to join #ItalianFWT as we visit the Tuscan Wines of Chianti and it's neighbors

I am all discombobulated here.  You see, I was scheduled to host our Italian FWT group in November but then fellow member Jeff of Food Wine Click was able to procure some of us samples of Ricasoli wine and olive oil.

When this happened, my mind just flew to the assumption that Jeff was hosting and I completely forgot that I had volunteered.  When I agreed to host I had thought that we would visit wines outside of the norm from Chianti.  Many of us think that Chianti is the only wine made in this area and we are sadly mistaken.

Image result for chianti italy

Photo from Google Images

When our administrator, Jennifer of Vino Travels, sent out an email asking if I was still hosting, I panicked a bit.  I mean, Italian FWT posts the first Saturday of the month.  That is in 9 days and I hadn't even invited anyone to join me.

Then there was the problem of me having received the sample of Chianti Classico.  So I needed to change my theme to include Chianti as well as other wines available in the area, think Montecucco, Bolgheri, Maremma, Valdarno di Sopra.

I'm looking forward to seeing what everyone decides to share.  If you want to join in the fun, pick up a new bottle or an old favorite and meet us over at Twitter Chat on November 2, 2019 at 11 AM ET and join our discussion following #ItalianFWT.

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