
Friday, October 16, 2015

Blogging Community and the Weekly Menu

One of the best things about belonging to a blogging community are the relationships that develop.  A group of people who have never met in person form a bond that is caring, loving and generous.  We have virtual baby showers, anniversary parties and birthday parties.

When one of our members is having a rough time we rally around with support and prayers. Our friend, Rebekah of Making Miracles, is where our thoughts and prayers are directed at this time.  Her 16 year old son, Kent, suffered a stroke during JROTC.  I have written about this on facebook and appreciate all the love and concern my real friends have shown for my virtual friend.  God bless you and Kent, Rebekah.

Blogging friends are also very giving and generous with their time and sometimes even with their goodies.  Case in point.  My friend Cam of Culinary Adventures with Camilla, had put on facebook that she had made and canned some lovely passata.  In this post, Cam said she still had a lot of tomatoes left and wondered what she should make next.  I jokingly said she should make some more passata and ship it off to Michigan.  Well, look what arrived in the mail the other day!

Thanks so much Cam.  I can't wait to try this.  It is going on my Weekly Menu for our Meatless Monday meal.  

Speaking of the Weekly Menu here is a run down of our week coming up, followed by our Menu. 

Tomorrow we are celebrating our Amy's birthday with a dinner followed by Apple Pie and Brownies. Sunday we are going to have the Pork Chops that we didn't have last Wednesday.  Monday our little boys go in for their neutering and Wednesday is Food Pantry so I am leaving Frank in charge of dinner.  Other than that just the usual stuff going on.  I hope you have a great week and that you stop by each day to find recipes and photos.

Saturday-Amy's Birthday Celebration
Italian Baked Chicken
Parmesan Mashed Potatoes
Roasted Vegetables in the Slow Cooker


Meatless Monday
White Bean and Passata Stew

Pot Roast
Roasted Red Skins and Butternut Squash

Frank in charge of dinner

Chicken in Red Wine Vinegar
Caponata Lentil Salad

Fish Friday
Grilled Tuna with Salsa


  1. Your menu sounds delicious. I am still working on mine. Pretty lazy this week for some reason!!

    1. It's the weather, makes you want to curl up on the couch with a blanket and a good book.


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