
Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Tomato Bread Salad

I have started loving baking bread but I don't always think to get up early and start my baking unless I have planned it in advance.  Those days that I haven't planned it in advance but am serving a dish that calls for bread, like spaghetti, I will run up to the local bakery and pick up a loaf.  Then after dinner that loaf sits on the counter neglected for the next couple of days.  Sometimes I feed it to my chickens. Sometimes I make a french toast casserole or a bread pudding.  Sometimes I make bread crumbs or stuffing.

Today, when faced with half a loaf of stale bread that was sitting next to a lovely tomato and some basil that I had picked up at the Farmer's Market, I decided to make a Tomato Bread Salad.  I love this salad and make it quite often when tomatoes are in season.  I was surprised to see I had never shared it with you before.

I am sharing the recipe as I made it this time but that is not to say that I always make it this way.  I use whatever bread is available, whatever tomatoes I have on hand (cherry, beefsteak, salad, heirloom) or a mixture of tomatoes, I use whichever good vinegar I grab from the pantry.  I add basil when I have it but I have sometimes added chives or parsley instead.  The only constant is that you want to use the very best and freshest (other than the bread) ingredients that you have. 

Tomato Bread Salad

1/4 loaf of a baguette, cut into cubes
1 large tomato, seeded, cored and cubed
6 basil leaves, torn or cut into small pieces
1/4 c. good olive oil, divided
2 garlic cloves, minced
1 T. balsamic vinegar
salt and pepper to taste

Heat 2 T. of the olive oil over med heat in a skillet.  Add the garlic and cubed bread.  Toss and cook until the bread is toasted.  Remove to a paper towel lined plate.  Place tomato in a bowl, toss with remaining olive oil, vinegar, basil, salt and pepper.  Add the bread, toss again and serve.  Print Recipe

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