
Thursday, January 9, 2014

An Alphabet for Today

Absence- It does make the heart grow fonder
Bragging- Always bites me in the butt.  Princess Fiona decided to eat my carpet this morning!!

Celery Steak- For dinner tonight. Recipe to follow.
Decorations- Time to start taking them down.
Eggs- Got 3 today that weren't cracked from freezing.

Fire- It's a good day for one.

Grateful- To Larry and Mary for keeping Mom for a while.
Happy- To be home.
Ideal- Day to finish "The Book Thief".
Jealous-  My dogs all missed me and think I should have missed them more than the other ones. 
Kickboxing- Starts for me tomorrow morning!
Laundry-1 load in and one waiting.
Mom- Sounded happy and content when I phoned last night.
Nothing- What I can think of for the letter N.
Oops- Look what happened when I took the Christmas cards down.

Paint- Glad we had extra.

Quiet- What it is around here!
Relaxing- With a cup of coffee while I blog this.
Snow-  We have lots!!

Taking- Down the Christmas tree.
Urging-  All of you to share your alphabet with me.
Virginia- In two more weeks, Yay!
Weather- Outside is frightful.  2* right now.
X- I'm gonna X that one right out.
Yellow- Snow on my deck.  Princess Fiona thinks it is too cold to go far from the door. LOL.
Zilch- Nada, Nothing, that's what I can come up with for Z.

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