
Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Weekly Goal Wednesday

I have been following Money Saving Mom and I have admired how she sets weekly goals for herself and writes them down to keep herself accountable. 

I think I will start using my Wednesday blogs to do the same for me. I am hoping that if I set my goals in writing it will help to keep me on task.

I have decided to start small so that I have room to grow.  Please join me on this adventure.

Each Morning

Time with my Lord.
I am going to start scheduling in my prayer time.  My talks with the Lord are very important to me but they are rather haphazard. I am going to start using an app that I have downloaded into my phone called Laudate.  One of the offerings of this app is the daily scripture readings.  I plan on utilizing these during my prayer time.

Make Bed


Swish and Swipe

Empty dishwasher/Load breakfast dishes


Straighten House

This Week's Goals

Exercise at least 5 days for at least 30 minutes each time

Purchase 2 more Christmas gifts

Work on Wine Tote

Finish Casserole Cover and Brownie Mix for inside

Mail Cookie Exchange Invitations

Mail Santa Party Invitations

Read 2 Chapters of Cooked

I am meeting up with my friends Linda and Sandy this morning for a walk and then we will go have breakfast.  I will have time to come home and  throw together dinner before I go work the food pantry.  Frank will throw the Stuffed Cabbage Casserole while I am having yoga class.  This is our last yoga class at our house until after the holidays so that I can get my basement ready for celebrations.

Busy day for me but hopefully a good one and I hope you all have a great day too.


  1. You are so busy that I don't have any idea how you manage to take care of your mom with all those activities. You are MY superhero! I need to schedule my time and maybe I would get something done. My biggest problem is that if Richard is awake he needs to be able to see me and I can only do so much in the rooms that he can see.....

    1. Oh Paula, I know what you are saying. You have to remember that I have a caregiver that comes in each day from 8:30-2:30 or there is no way I could do it either. Check with Hospice and see if you can get respite care. Even if it is only for an hour or two a day it will give you time to get out for a walk and breathe.....

    2. Yes Hospice has offered so many times. We just aren't ready for that yet.

    3. I know that feeling too. When you are ready please take advantage of it. You need to take care of yourself and if Richard were still able to take care of you he would insist upon it. God Bless.


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