
Tuesday, October 8, 2013


Mom didn't get home this morning until 10 am and I was on my way out the door for the backpack program we are starting at our parish.  So I left her playing cards with Nancy.  When I got home she and Nancy had already eaten lunch and were watching game shows.  I began cooking because my friend, Kim's, father passed away and they have family in from out of town.  Mom fell asleep for quite a while and I had to awaken her so that we could go deliver the food.  As we were pulling out of the garage Mom asked "Aren't I suppose to go to Dawn's today".  I responded that yesterday she had gone to Dawn's and that she came back home this morning.  She thought it was funny that she would have no recollection of that. 
Then, of course, all the way down to Kim's Mom's house she asked repeatedly where we were going, if she knew these people and why we were going there.  After we dropped off the food we went and picked up Frank's Mom and we went out for pizza and salad.  Mom did pretty well while we were there and seemed to enjoy herself but as soon as we got home at 8 pm she said she was exhausted and went right to bed.
It seems that each day she sleeps a little bit more and the earlier it gets dark the earlier she goes to bed. 
Yesterday, Nancy took her to get a manicure.  I get Mom a manicure every other week and a pedicure once a month.  Today she kept looking at her nails and I remarked on how nice they looked.  She thanked me and said that she didn't remember doing them.  I told her she went yesterday and had them done and she laughed and said she has never had a manicure in her life.
This is Mom and Pops at a Halloween Party in 2004.

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