
Friday, September 6, 2013

Enjoy Every Moment

Many years ago my Pops wanted to take the snow train ride through the Agawa Canyon in our Upper Peninsula.  Looking out that window, with snow as far as the eye could see was just took your breath away.....for about 20 minutes and then you started wondering how much longer before you could get off this train. That is the way I felt at the Il Volo concert last night.  It was elegant and beautiful.  When those young men came out onto the stage it was as if the heavens opened and angels were singing.  I was awestruck....for about 20 minutes and then I started thinking about how many other things I could be doing with my time. Then I looked over at Frank's mom and saw the same excitement and happiness that I saw on my Pop's face all those years ago and sat back and enjoyed the moment.
How do you complain about spending time with someone you love, making them happy?  You don't.  You thank God for the opportunity and pray that another comes by soon because it is of these moments that the most precious of memories are made.
Yesterday I was pleased to find stalks of soybeans in my farm share.
These may look daunting but they are not.  Simply remove the pods from the stalks and rinse well.
You can now proceed with the recipe for Edamame.
Bring a large pot of water to a boil.
Add soybean pods and boil for 5-7 minutes.
Drain and toss pods with a good amount of coarse sea salt or kosher salt.
Serve warm or at room temperature.
Enjoy by holding one end of the pod, placing the rest in your mouth and pulling it through your teeth. This enables you to get some of the salt along with the beans. Print Recipe
Unfortunately, I don't have a pic of the finished product because just as I got them placed in a bowl Kim stopped by and we sat here and ate most of them.  As she was leaving, I gave her the remainder to take home with her. "It's Kim's fault" is one of my most popular mantras LOL.
I am linked up with Gospel Homemaking

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