
Monday, January 8, 2024

Three Cheese Quiche for Meatless Monday and a Book Review

Cream Cheese, Swiss Cheese, and Mozzarella Cheese combine with Leeks to make this Quiche that is perfect for Meatless Monday.  It was part of my Christmas Eve Brunch when some of my guests were non-meat eaters.

Three Cheese Quiche

I was inspired to make this while listening to The Vintage Village Bake Off during my daily walks.

The Vintage Village Bake Off

Let me start off by saying that I loved this book about siblings in their prime of life learning how to value themselves and each other as they all enter into new phases of their lives at a time when many think that once we are older than 65 we have no life left.

I loved all the characters and laughed out loud as I was walking down the street which, I am sure, caused people to comment on the kooky old lady they passed while driving.

This book is set in England and follows Robert, a lifelong bachelor in his 70s who suddenly finds himself the object of a lot of female attention once his garden club realizes that he is a wonderful cook and baker.  

His sister Hattie has recently divorced her tyrant of a husband after nearly 50 years and his sister Bunty feels neglected by her husband of many years and has left him for a fling with a man who turns out to be a cad.

The sisters end up at Robert's house just as he is featured, along with his farm animals including his cat,  Isaac Mewton, in an article in the local paper.   This article states that Robert makes the best scones in the country.  This sparks a debate that leads to a Vintage Village Bake Off.  

3 Cheese Quiche

When Hattie first arrives, Robert is just sitting down to a 3 Cheese Quiche that he has made.  He opens a bottle of wine in celebration and Hattie joins him for dinner.  This inspired me to make a 3 Cheese Quiche of my own.  I hope you enjoy it as much as I.....

Entrees, Brunch, Meatless, Eggs, Quiche, Lunch, Dinner
Entrees, Brunch, Lunch
Yield: 6 servings
Author: Wendy Klik
3 Cheese Quiche

3 Cheese Quiche

Cream Cheese, Swiss Cheese, and Mozzarella Cheese combine with Leeks to make this Quiche that is perfect for Meatless Monday.
Prep time: 10 MinCook time: 1 HourInactive time: 10 HourTotal time: 11 H & 10 M


  • 1 pie crust
  • 3 oz. cream cheese, diced
  • 1 c. shredded Swiss cheese
  • 1 c. shredded Mozzarella cheese
  • 1 small leek, white and light green parts, well rinsed
  • 4 eggs
  • 1 can cream of mushroom soup
  • 1/2 c. light cream
  • 4 eggs
  • salt and pepper, to taste


  1. Place crust into a pie pan and sprinkle the diced cream cheese along the bottom.
  2. Cut the leeks in half and then slice into thin half moons. Sprinkle over the bottom with the cream cheese.
  3. Sprinkle the Swiss and Mozzarella over all.
  4. Whisk together the eggs, soup, and cream. Season with salt and pepper and pour over the cheese.
  5. Bake in a preheated 350* oven for about an hour, until puffed and golden brown and a knife inserted into the center removes cleanly.
  6. Let set for about 10 minutes before slicing and serving.

Nutrition Facts



Fat (grams)

35.03 g

Sat. Fat (grams)

17.21 g

Carbs (grams)

20.99 g

Fiber (grams)

1.08 g

Net carbs

19.91 g

Sugar (grams)

1.54 g

Protein (grams)

22.01 g

Sodium (milligrams)

796.48 mg

Cholesterol (grams)

288.7 mg


  1. I have been on a Nordic Noir run this week. I might need something just like this. Thanks for sharing.

  2. I really enjoyed this book when I read it too! I was inspired to make pavlova!


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