
Friday, April 7, 2023

Preparing for Easter with our Dinner Menu and Weekly Menu using Leftovers

Easter is my favorite Holiday.  The Resurrection of our Lord promises Eternal Life for all who have faith and follow him.  Spring arrives and new life is bursting forth from the ground and trees that were dormant just days ago.  Birds and wildlife are active, feathering their nests and creating safe havens for their young that will arrive this season.  The promise of new beginnings surrounds us.  Happy Easter!!!!

Easter Menu 2023

Our Easter Celebration is smaller this year as The Angel Face and her Mama and Daddy decided to take a family vacation during the break from school.  Filling their spot at the table this year is Devin's sister and nephew who are visiting from the UK and are joining us for dinner.  

I am planning my weekly menu anticipating that I will have leftovers.  We are having dinner with Little Miss M and her family on Tuesday.  Wednesday we are celebrating the day we were blessed to get our Teen.  We will be taking her and her guy out for dinner.

Easter Sunday
See Large Menu Above

Meatless Monday
Vegetable Stuffed Potato Cakes 

Dinner at Marina and Devin's

Out for dinner to celebrate Marissa's Gotcha Day

Lamb Briyani (using leftover lamb)

Split Pea Soup with Ham (using ham bone)

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