
Thursday, September 22, 2022

Saying Farewell to Summer with a Craggy Range Sauvignon Blanc #WorldWineTravel

The World Wine Travel group has exited Australia and have now stopped on New Zealand.  Australia was a tough country for many of us as we struggled to source wines from the more remote areas of the land down under.


New Zealand appears as if it is going to be problematic for me as well.  While I had no problems finding wine in Michigan from the Martinborough and Marlborough regions, I have had no luck finding wines from New Zealand outside of those areas.

But for today, I am able to join in, at least, writing up this post and sharing my tasting notes.  I will not be able to attend the chat Saturday hosted by Martin of  Enofylz Wine Blog as I am currently on vacation in Curacao.

pasta and wine

Yes, I said Farewell to Summer in Michigan and headed to an Island to extend my summer for another week.  

I served up this crisp, steely, Sauvignon Blanc with a pasta dish that I made using up the last of my fresh basil that I turned into pesto.  The acidity of the wine was lovely and I enjoyed it not only with dinner but also afterwards while my husband and I enjoyed the continuing warm weather on the deck.

Craggy Range has wineries in Hawkes Bay, Marlborough and Martinborough.  The Sauv Blanc is grown in the cooler climate of Martinborough on rocky soil.  It tastes of citrus and is very drinkable as an apertif.

Please join Martin and the others on Saturday, September 24, at 11 AM ET to learn more about the wines available from Martinborough.  You will find them on twitter chat following #WorldWineTravel.  Here are some of the topics being discussed:

  • Camilla of Culinary Adventures with Camilla will be serving up Chicken Salad, Calamarata Pasta, and the 2020 Craggy Range “Te Muna Road” Sauvignon Blanc 
  • Wendy of A Day in the Life on the Farm is Saying Farewell to Summer with a Craggy Range Sauvignon Blanc 
  • Terri of Our Good Life is sharing Garlic Parmesan Baked Eggplant with an Astrolabe Province Sauvignon Blanc. 
  • Martin of ENOFYLZ Wine Blog is pairing Ata Rangi Pinot Noir Crimson + Smoked Portobello Mushroom Burgers #WorldWineTravel

Enjoy the remainder of your summer, unless you live down under, in which case enjoy the beginning of your summer.  


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