
Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Carrot and Citrus Infused Water and A Book Review #LitHappens

Water is the source of all life. We are unable to live without it, yet many people don't drink enough water each day.  I love water, especially when it is turned into wine LOL.....seriously I do love water and drink even more of it than I do of wine  Mostly I drink it with no more adornment than ice but, sometimes, I want something a little fancier.

carrot and citrus infused water

On those days I add fruits, vegetables or herbs to add a little pizazz.  In this case I thinly sliced some lemon, carrot and orange, added it to a pitcher with filtered water and put it in the refrigerator overnight to enjoy the next day.

This isn't the first time I have shared infused waters with you.  I shared this Agua de Jamaica after watching Coco and I often use teas to infuse my water like this Blue Mango Sun Tea.  But today I am inspired to share this water recipe because I just finished reading Dune by Frank Herbert.

Dune by Frank Herbert

This novel was chosen by my friend, Amy of Amy's Cooking Adventures for our December/January selection of the Lit Happens online book club to which I belong.

This book is not my usual genre.  Not that I dislike Science Fiction, I just never think to choose it when I am looking for a novel to read.  I did enjoy this novel very much and look forward to seeing the film that was recently released.  I also hope to read the remaining books in the series.  That will be a bit down the road, however, as I just started the February read for Lit Happens, First Comes Marriage by Huda Al-Murashi and then want to get started on my Cook the Books Club February/March selection Red Sparrow by Jason Matthews.  

Dune is a futuristic look at life on an arid dessert planet called Arrakis and the battle between the Fremans and the Harkonens.  Paul Artreides landed on this planet with his parents.  His father, Duke Leto had been tasked with ruling this planet and is betrayed and killed shortly after arrival, leaving Paul heir to his legacy.  

There is some food in this novel, mainly involving the "spice" which is the only thing of real value on the planet and contains qualities that make it very addictive preventing those who live on the planet incapable of surviving anywhere else.  All food is spiced and the spice takes on different flavors accordingly.  But mostly there is the constant search for water and figuring out how to make and contain water to keep the residents of this planet alive.

I am going to be sharing this review over at Foodies Read as well.  Come see what the others are reading this month.

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