
Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Beet Bread #BreadBakers

This gorgeous bread tastes just as good as it looks.  It is perfect with a bowl of soup or for use when making a sandwich.  

Beet Bread

Welcome to Bread Bakers......


Happy New Year! We are starting this year’s events with a colorful beginning. Our theme for this month is “Naturally Colored Breads” and Radha of Magical Ingredients is our host.

 #BreadBakers is a group of bread loving bakers who get together once a month to bake bread with a common ingredient or theme. Follow our Pinterest board right here. Links are also updated each month on this home page.  We take turns hosting each month and choosing the theme/ingredient.

Let's see what colorful treats everyone baked up today......

beet bread dough

Adding grated, fresh beets to this bread turns the dough a beautiful pink, with cranberry flecks.  Once it is a soft dough, form into a ball and let rise.

beet bread dough

When it is doubled in size, punch down and place into a bread pan for a second rise.

bread dough

When it has risen above the top of the bread pan it is ready to go into the oven for a quick bake.

Beet Bread

Brush with an egg wash, sprinkle with sesame seeds and bake for half an hour.

Beet Bread pin

I served this bread up with a Ground Chicken Noodle Soup that I'm going to be sharing with you on Saturday, so make sure you stop back for that recipe.  The following day this bread was wonderful toasted for breakfast.


  1. Beetroot is very healthy and adds beautiful color! Love this amazing veggie packed bread! Thanks for baking with me!

  2. You didn't lose a bit of your gorgeous color in the baking! This bread looks amazing.

    1. I was very pleased with how it turned out Karen. I think using raw beets was the answer.

  3. I love beets, I am almost tempted at some point to try pickled beets in bread because they are a favorite of mine.

    1. I don't see why that wouldn't work Kelly unless the acid from the pickling interferes somehow.

  4. I never considered using raw beets! What a beautiful color they add to the dough along with those gorgeous little pops of color.

    1. I know, right? It wasn't my idea but I'm sure glad that I found the recipe.

  5. You got good color for the beetroot bread. I made last week I didn't get. I need to try your recipe.

  6. Beets are my favourite addition to breads. Your loaf looks gorgeous. And those lovely flecks in the crumb look beautiful.

  7. This must have tasted really good, looks so colorful!


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