
Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Preparing for the Holidays

Last year the epidemic had our holidays looking very different than they had in the past.  COVID 19 is still affecting how we live our daily lives and it will, again, affect our holidays.  Fortunately, many of us are now vaccinated and able to join together for celebrations again this year.  I am very excited to be planning and hosting gatherings. I"m starting with a dinner for our neighbors to celebrate one of their birthdays on Halloween night.

Halloween Menu

Not only am I planning gatherings, I have also been working on some homemade Christmas gifts and next weekend I will be making my Christmas cards to mail out.  I think that homemade gifts and cards let a person know just how much you love and care about them.  It is the true Spirit of the Season.

My daughter, Jessica, feels the same way and has found a way to help you show your love and care to the youngsters in your life.  Jessica is offering Handwritten Letters from Santa written specifically for your child.  You will provide information that will make this letter very personal and special for your child.  You will love seeing the excitement on their faces when they get their very own personalized, handwritten letter.  You can link to the website for more information and to place your order.  

I know that many of us are still concerned about our children and this awful pandemic.  This letter is a great alternative for those of you who don't want to take your child for an in person visit with Santa Claus and the possibility of exposure to COVID or one of the variants.  I, personally, cannot wait until a vaccine is developed that will protect our most valued blessings in this life.

Those of you who have loyally followed this blog throughout the years know that each year, except last year, I host a Santa Party for all of our grands.  Not to make you feel old or anything but those grands are now all growing up.  With the exception of my Angel Face and my sister's grandchildren they have all surpassed the age of visiting with Santa.  

Christmas Invitation

So, while I'm very excited to be able to celebrate with my side of the family again this year, I have decided to let Santa go to attend parties with lots of kiddies who will be eager to see him.  Our family is very large and it is very difficult to find time to gather together on the Holidays themselves so an early gathering works best.  

As you gear up for the Holiday Season, I wish you health, happiness and much time together with those you love.  I hope that your family finds the Magic of Christmas and that this special letter from Santa brings them joy.  


  1. Great menu. Fun way to spend Halloween with a friend and celebrate their birthday. The handwritten letter from Santa is such a great idea.


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