
Saturday, July 25, 2020

Enjoying Up North and the Weekly Menu

We headed up north on Thursday.  First stop was at an outlet shopping mall called Birch Run, the girls did some shopping, the Teen got another ear piercing, and we had lunch before continuing our travels.

When we arrived and checked into our rooms we walked into downtown Traverse City, shopped some more and had dinner.  Back at the room, the girls went to the pool and I crashed for the night.

Yesterday we went to the Sleeping Bear Dunes.  We were able to climb the first section and then we were exhausted.  I do have photos however they are on Frank's camera and he didn't bring the memory card so I will share those when we get home.  Drove the Pierce Stocking Scenic Drive and then went into Glen Arbor for lunch. 

Back at the resort we went down to the beach.  We rented a jetski and a paddleboard and played for a while.  Amy and Doug arrived and visited with us for a while before leaving to meet up with her dad and aunt for dinner.  

People on Water

The girls then walked back into town while Frank and I relaxed with a glass of wine.  When they were ready we picked them up for dinner but they decided they wanted to go to the Mall first.  After the mall we headed back to downtown TC for dinner at Bubba's Burgers.  It was pretty good. Back to the room the girls headed to the hot tub, I grabbed my book, Frank grabbed is pad and I was asleep before they got back to the room again.

This morning I decided to work on my Weekly menu as they all get ready for the day.  Heading into Fish Town for lunch today and then we have Spence's Graduation Party later this afternoon.  Looking forward to seeing everyone.  

Tomorrow morning we had back home,  We hope to stop for lunch in Houghton Lake and meet up with our friends, Bob and Cathy, for a visit.

The Teen has her second segment of driving school next week.  We are having a family gathering for the Dubruls to see Quinn before she leaves on Friday.  She will be going home with my niece Steph and her daughter, Sterling after the gathering.  Steph will take her to see her Great Aunt Patty and then we have been invited to dinner on Wednesday to bring her back home.  

So here is the menu for this always I love vacations but I am always happy to return home....

Spence's Grad Party

Grilled Hot Dogs
Baked Beans 

Meatless Monday
Summertime Quiche

Tuesday-Family Gathering
BBQ Ribs
Rotisserie Chicken
Potato Salad
Tuna Mac Salad
Broccoli Slaw
Baked Beans
Corn Bread

Dinner at Steph's


Fish Friday
Fish and Chips
Leftover Salads


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