
Sunday, September 8, 2019

Pizza Dough made with Sourdough Discard #OurFamilyTable

This is one of my favorite ways that I have found yet to use up my sourdough discard.  This pizza crust is delicious!!  It is chewy and toothsome without being thick.  It has become my new favorite crust and my new favorite sourdough recipe.

The From Our Dinner Table Group are sharing Quick and Easy Pizza Recipes today..........

Quick and Easy Pizza Recipes

We share Recipes From Our Dinner Table! Join our group and share your recipes, too! While you're at it, join our Pinterest board, too!

While this dough does require time to rise, it fits this theme because it is so easy to put together in the morning and then be set on the counter to rise while you are at work and/or running errands.

When you get home, punch it down, divide it in two, flatten into discs and (this is a GREAT tip from King Arthur flour) place each disc onto a piece of parchment that has been drizzled with olive oil.

Cover and let rest for 15 minutes while you put your pizza stone or a baking pan in the oven and let it preheat to 450*.

Pat and stretch the dough into rounds on the same parchment.  Then it is ready for the toppings of your choosing.  

I sauteed up some onions and mushrooms and diced some ham for the pie that Frank and I were going to share.

The Teen preferred just cheese and pepperoni.  Once you have your toppings on, here is the best part.....Just place the parchment paper onto your peel and it slides right onto your heated stone or pan.   No shaking, no cornmeal mess, no dough folding over onto itself because you have to tilt the peel as our ovens are lower than commercial pizza ovens.   Just a perfect slide right onto the stone and a perfect slide off of the stone when it is done baking.

#Pizza, #sourdough, #crust
Breads, Pizza
Yield: 2 (12") Pizzas

Sourdough Pizza Dough

This is one of my favorite ways that I have found yet to use up my sourdough discard. This pizza crust is delicious!! It is chewy and toothsome without being thick. It has become my new favorite crust and my new favorite sourdough recipe.


  • 1 c. sourdough discard
  • 1/2 c. hot water
  • 2 1/2 c. flour
  • 1 t. salt
  • 1/2 t. instant yeast


How to cook Sourdough Pizza Dough

  1. Place the sourdough starter, hot water, flour, salt and yeast in the large bowl of a stand mixer fitted with the dough hook.    Mix until incorporated and then turn speed to medium and knead for 8-10 minutes.  The dough will be smooth but slightly sticky.  Remove the dough from the bowl.  Spray bowl with cooking spray, form dough into a ball and return to bowl.  Cover and set aside to rise until doubled.  This will take 2-4 hrs but can be left out longer.
  2. When ready to make pizza, punch down the dough and divide it in half.  Flatten each into a disc and place onto a parchment sheets that have been drizzled with olive oil.  Cover and let rest for 15 minutes, while the oven preheats and toppings are prepared.
  3. After 15 minutes, gently press, pat and stretch the dough into 12" rounds while still on the parchment.  Top with desired ingredients leaving room at the edge for the crust.  Slide the parchment with the pizza onto a baking stone or sheet that has been preheated in a 450* oven.  Bake each pizza for 15-20 minutes, until crust is puffed, cheese is melted and the pizza is golden brown.


Adapted from a recipe from King Arthur flour.
Fat (grams)
Sat. Fat (grams)
Carbs (grams)
Fiber (grams)
Net carbs
Sugar (grams)
Protein (grams)
Sodium (milligrams)
Cholesterol (grams)
Created using The Recipes Generator


  1. Wow, this sounds amazing! Can't wait to try this out. I'd definitely add all the veggies :)

  2. What a great idea for leftover sourdough! This pizza sounds great

  3. Ha ha!! Great minds think alike on the parchment paper technique! It's a lifesaver!

    1. It sure is. I can't believe I had never thought of it before.

  4. Time to take the sourdough starter out of hibernation because I am now craving sourdough crust. I always hate throwing out the discard too.

  5. One of my friends is going to share her sourdough starter with me. Now I'm even more excited!

    1. Wonderful Inger. You will be making sourdough recipes continuously now.

  6. Nice Blog. Thanks for sharing it with us. To get the best pizza, visit the best Pizza Store Cape May Court House.

  7. It was nice reading your post. Very informative indeed.


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