
Friday, April 26, 2019

Vegetable Sushi and a Book Review #LitHappens

Our Lit Happens pick for this month is The Japanese Lover by Isabel Allende. Lit Happens is a Facebook Book Club started by Cam of Culinary Adventures of Camilla.  Members read the same book each month and then have an online discussion about it.

Image result for the japanese lover

Come on in and learn more about this fun book club and how to join us.......

Some of us are bloggers but that isn't a requirement to join.  I like to write up reviews on the books I read and I normally post a recipe that was inspired by the book.  That is my own personal preference because blogging is what I do.  

You don't have to join us every month, it is a very relaxed, easy going group.  The member that has chosen the selection for the month posts discussion questions that you can read and answer as you wish and as time permits.  We welcome new members and you can join us here.

When I'm inspired to make and share a recipe I also link up with Foodies Read hosted by Heather of Based on a True Story.   If you enjoy reading and food you want to check out her blog and the monthly foodies read linkup.

I was excited when Jennifer chose this novel.  Historical Fiction is my genre of choice.  The Japanese lover starts during WWII when Alma's parents put her onto a ship and send her to America to live with her Aunt and Uncle whom she has never met.  Alma never sees her parents again but is loved, safe and lives a very advantageous life.

Alma now resides in a nursing home and hires Irina who was brought to America from Slovenia by her mother and has suffered a very disadvantaged and traumatic life to be her assistant.  A friendship is forged and secrets are shared.  And, of course, there is a charming and handsome grandson in the picture who falls head over heels with Irina much to the angst of his family but to the encouragement of his grandmother who shares her long lasting love affair with a Japanese gardener considered to be much below her economic and social standing.

The grandson, Seth, and Irina develop a relationship during many discussions regarding Alma, the first of which takes place over Sushi.  This inspired the recipe that I am sharing with you today.  To see what the others thought of the novel and read our discussion stop by the Facebook link.

#Vegetarian, #Japanese, #sushi, #appetizers,
Vegetarian, Meatless, Appetizers, Main Course
Yield: 2 rolls, 16 pieces

Vegetable Sushi

Quick to make, easy to put together and beautiful to present. This veggie sushi is perfect for an appetizer or first course at your next Asian Dinner Party.


  • 1 c. short grain rice ( I used arborio)
  • 2 c. water
  • 2 T. rice wine vinegar
  • 1 T. soy sauce
  • 1/2 T. sugar
  • fresh veggies of choice, thinly sliced (I used cucumber, carrots and avocado)
  • 2 sheets roasted seaweed
  • Siracha for garnish, if desired


How to cook Vegetable Sushi

  1. Place rice and water in rice steamer and cook per manufacturers directions.  When rice is cooked, whisk together the vinegar, soy sauce and sugar.  Pour over rice and toss to coat.  Spread rice out onto a baking sheet covered with silicone of parchment to cool.
  2. Place a roasted seaweed sheet onto a piece of parchment, short side facing you.  Spread half of the cooled rice mixture onto the seaweed sheet, making sure it reaches to the short side nearest you and the edges of the long sides up to about an inch from the end furthest from you.
  3. Arrange your vegetables about an inch and a half from the short edge nearest you.  It is okay if the veggies stick out over the long edges a bit.  
  4. Using the parchment paper to help you, roll the rice covered seaweed over the vegetables, tucking the vegetables in tight and rolling into a tight cylinder.  Wet the bare edge of the seaweed with a little water and finish rolling so it sticks together. 
  5. Repeat with the remaining ingredients making a second roll.  With a sharp knife, cut each roll into 8 pieces.  Place onto a serving tray and garnish with Siracha sauce if desired.
Fat (grams)
Sat. Fat (grams)
Carbs (grams)
Fiber (grams)
Net carbs
Sugar (grams)
Protein (grams)
Sodium (milligrams)
Cholesterol (grams)
Created using The Recipes Generator


  1. That looks fabulous! And I am always tickled to see previous sponsor items in current posts. I was so sad that I just broke that Le Creuset platter. I thoroughly enjoyed the book.

    1. Ouch, perhaps we'll get lucky and they will send us another.


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