
Friday, January 18, 2019

Olive Oil Poached Cod #FishFridayFoodies

This cod turns out buttery and delicious when poached in seasoned olive oil in a slow oven.  The best thing about it?  No worry of overcooked fish and it couldn't get any easier.

Welcome to Fish Friday Foodies..........

This version of Fish Friday Foodies is being hosted by Caroline of  Caroline's Cooking.  Caroline invited us to share Fish/Seafood recipes that are oven baked.  

Members of our group take turns each month hosting and choosing a topic.  We are always happy to have new members.  If you are a blogger and a seafood/fish lover please consider joining in the fun. You can leave a comment below or email me at

I was originally going to do a sheet pan dinner for today's challenge but then I was flipping through my most recent issue of Cuisine at Home and came across this recipe for Olive Oil Poached Cod.  I couldn't resist.

I adapted the recipe quite a bit.  It called for 2 lemons in a larger baking dish.  I only had one so I used my smaller baking dish.

When making the poaching liquid, I had some minced garlic in the refrigerator so I used that instead of smashed garlic cloves.  My bay leaf was large so I only used one.  I had no anchovy paste so I deleted it.  I substituted dried thyme for fresh.

The cod is seasoned with salt, pepper and paprika.  I used mild, sweet paprika as that was what I had on hand.  Even with all of these adaptations the fish was flavorful, tender and delicious.

I served this up with Roasted Baby Potatoes, Steamed Broccoli and a Bio-dynamic wine from France.  I will be sharing my pairing notes with you tomorrow when I post the article and join the French Winophiles in twitter chat at 11 AM ET.  Stay tuned for that.

You will find this easy, peasy and wonderful recipe right below the links for the other Baked Fish and Seafood Recipes.

#fish, #cod, #poached, #easy,
Entrees, Dinner, Fish, Seafood, Oven Baked
Yield: 4 servingsPin it

Olive Oil Poached Cod

prep time: 10 minscook time: 40 minstotal time: 50 mins
This cod turns out buttery and delicious when poached in seasoned olive oil in a slow oven. The best thing about it? No worry of overcooked fish and it couldn't get any easier.


  • 1 lemon, thinly sliced
    salt, pepper and paprika, to taste
    4 (6oz) cod fillets
    2 1/2 c. olive oil
    1 T. minced garlic
    1 lg or 2 small bay leaves
    1/2 t. dried thyme, crushed


  1. Arrange lemons in the bottom of a 7x7" baking pan.  

    Season the cod fillets, on both sides, with salt, pepper and paprika. 

    Place the olive oil, garlic, bay leaf and thyme in a small sauce pan.  Heat over low heat  until bubbles are starting to rise, 10 minutes or so.  Pour over the lemons.

    Nestle the seasoned cod fillets in the olive oil and place into a preheated 250* oven for about 30 minutes or until the fish flakes easily with a fork.


Adapted from a recipe found in Cuisine at Home, Issue #133.
Created using The Recipes Generator


  1. Your cod (great minds again!) looks so moist and succulent. What a great method!

  2. This is such an interesting way of cooking it, sounds tasty.

  3. There is a lot of flavor in this dish! Sounds wonderful!


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