
Friday, November 2, 2018

The First Week of November and The Weekly Menu

And just like that....It is November.

Image result for november

I have a feeling that our busy lives are about to get even busier........

Last night the ladies from our TC family arrived to spend the weekend.  Saturday is our annual scrapbook event that a large group of us attend each year.  Last year was the first time in about 20 years that we missed it.  I am so happy we are all back together again this year.

We are going to pick up more supplies tonight.  This is Marissa's first scrapbook event and she has a lot to document.  I will, as normal, be making Christmas cards to send out.  I will be sharing photos of our day and our projects with you in the days to come.

Sunday morning Jen will head back to TC and Lili back to University.  We will attend Mass after which we will pick up Marissa's sister and go visit the Michigan Science Center. 

Our week is typical with some kind of appointment or responsibility each day.  Most important is Tuesday when we will be visiting the voting booth.  I encourage each of you to join me in having our voices heard on November 6th.

I am sharing our Weekly Menu, please stop back each day as I share A Day in the Life on the Farm.

Scrapbook Event-all meals included

Out for dinner after Science Center

Chicken Wild Rice Soup
Homemade Sweet Bread

Pork and Cabbage Stir Fry (moved from last week)


Mashed Potatoes

Fish Friday
Shrimp Stir Fry Salad


  1. Your menu sounds wonderful. A scrapbook event would be so fun. But I probably would talk too much to get anything done. I'm sure your girl will have a blast!


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