
Thursday, November 8, 2018

Cranberry Jam with Bacon and Onions #CranberryWeek #ImprovCookingChallenge

This jam made with fresh cranberries, smoky bacon and sweet onions is the perfect topping for roasted meats.  It is also delicious paired with cheese on a baguette or as a topping on your leftover turkey sandwiches.

Join me as I share my third Cranberry Week recipe combined with our Improv Cooking Challenge.....

I'm excited to share with you today, my third and final recipe in this years Cranberry Week event hosted by Caroline of Caroline's Cooking.  Others will still be sharing a lot more cranberry recipes and you will be able to find those by following #CranberryWeek on social media.

Today I am also joining in with Nichole of Cookaholic Wife in a fun little monthly game that she calls The Improv Cooking Challenge.  Nichole gives the group 2 ingredients each month and sends us off to create a recipe containing these ingredients.  This month's ingredients were bacon and onions.

Whenever I think of bacon and onions I am reminded of my Mother serving liver when I was a kid.  She fried the liver up in bacon and onions.  She allowed me to just eat the bacon and onions.  I didn't mind the taste of liver as much as the texture of it.  My sister, Dawn, ate my share of the liver and she still loves liver to this day.

I thought about inviting Dawn over for dinner or lunch and making this dish served up with mashed potatoes just like Mom used to serve.  Unfortunately, while my palate has changed and grown from when I was a child....I still cannot stomach liver.

But I do love bacon and onions and since we are also celebrating Cranberry Week I decided to incorporate some cranberries into the mix.  A Google Search found a recipe for this jam over at Our Best Bites.  It was perfect for combining today's events.

The original recipe makes 3 cups.  I reduced the ingredients to only make 1 cup.  I served it on top of Roast Pork Tenderloin and paired that dish with a California Pinot Noir.  I will tell you all about that pairing on Saturday over when I post for our #WinePW group.

This recipe is perfect for so many things during the holidays.  You can use it as a topping for crostini or crackers spread with cheese.  You can use it in place of your regular cranberries on the dinner table and you can spread it on your sandwiches when using up the leftover turkey.  

Let's take a look at the other Cranberry Creations being shared today

Here are the other Bacon and Onion Recipes

Here is my recipe for Cranberry Jam with Bacon and Onions

#cranberries, #jam, #caramelizedonions, #onions, #bacon, #appetizers, #holidaysides
Side Dishes, Jam, Holidays
Yield: 1 c.Pin it

Cranberry Jam with Bacon and Onion

prep time: 5 minscook time: 40 minstotal time: 45 mins
This jam made with fresh cranberries, smoky bacon and sweet onions is the perfect topping for roasted meats. It is also delicious paired with cheese on a baguette or as a topping on your leftover turkey sandwiches.


7 strips bacon, diced
1 small sweet onion, halved and thinly sliced
pinch of salt
2 T. sugar
dash of cayenne
4 oz. cranberries
2 t. balsamic vinegar


In a small heavy pot over med high heat, cook the bacon until crisp.  Remove to a plate lined with paper towel to drain, leaving any drippings in the pan.

Add the onions to the pan, reduce heat to med low heat. Season with salt and cayenne.  Cook, stirring frequently until caramelized, about 20 minutes.

Increase the heat to medium.  Add the cranberries and sugar.  Stir in the reserved bacon and cook stirring until the mixture is simmering.  Cover, reduce heat to low, and cook for another 20 minutes, until the cranberries have burst and the mixture is syrupy.

Remove from heat and stir in balsamic vinegar.  Can be served warm or at room temperature.  Refrigerate any remaining jam for up to 1 week.


Adapted from a recipe found at Our Best Bites
Created using The Recipes Generator


  1. Sounds tasty! I made a cranberry bacon jam a couple years ago but it was more bacon than cranberry. Very good too, but I like the idea of more cranberry like this as well for other things.

  2. A nice addition to turkey! I love that this jam only uses a few ingredients. Perfect for a busy day of Thanksgiving cooking!

  3. Definitely great minds! The combo of pork and cranberry is delicious! And then you added bacon!

  4. Oh my word. I can think of so many uses for this divine jam!

  5. This jam sounds so yummy! Love cranberries with pork!

  6. What a combo of cranberry jam and bacon, must try this!

  7. I think this would be marvelous on a turkey burger!

  8. oh mylanta! I have everything to make this!!!!! So excited right now! :)


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