
Thursday, August 9, 2018

Sweet Corn Ice Cream #FarmMarketWeek

This unusual ice cream, made with sweet corn, is amazingly delicious.  If you are a sweet corn lover this is the dessert for you.

Welcome to Day 4 of Farmer's Market Week........

It is the peak of sweet corn season here in Michigan.  My husband is a sweet corn fanatic.  He requests sweet corn nearly every day when it is in season.  He also buys a couple of cases each year and asks me to make batch after batch of Corn Chowder to put up in the freezer so he can enjoy sweet corn goodness during the blustery winter months.

So when my friend, Ellen of Family Around the Table, invited me to join in Farmer's Market Week I knew that at least one recipe would have to contain Sweet Corn.

I make and have shared so many recipes containing sweet corn or starring sweet corn that I wasn't sure how I was going to find any way possible to share another.  Then, I was flipping through all my back issues of the July/August Cuisine at Home magazines and came across a recipe for Sweet Corn Ice Cream.  

It took me a couple of tries to be able to make this ice cream.  We always get our corn from a roadside stand called "Potato Joe".  Joe has the best corn around.  It is not unusual to have to stand in line for up to half an hour in order to get the corn.  He also grows and sells other veggies but people come from miles around just for the corn.

I stopped, stood in line and bought a dozen and a half ears of corn.  We were having 8 people for dinner so I thought for sure there would be leftover corn for this ice cream.  There were 4 ears left after dinner.  Perfect.  The next afternoon, I went into the refrigerator for the corn....Gone.  Frank and my brother, enjoyed them for lunch.

Back to Potato Joe. This time for a dozen.  I had to make an announcement after dinner that the leftover corn was off limits.

This recipe is made with a custard base.  That means you should make it in the evening so that it has plenty of time to cool and then chill before you put it in your ice cream maker.  I forgot about this the night before I wanted to serve it, so when it was cooked to a nice thick, creamy base that coated the back of my wooden spoon, I placed it into a bowl and stuck it in an ice bath for a quick cool.  

Once it was cooled sufficiently, into the refrigerator it went while we did some running around in the morning.  When I got home, I used my ice cream maker to churn and chill it further, leaving me with about 3 hrs for it to set up in the freezer before being served after dinner.

How did it taste?  It was surprisingly good.  I didn't know what to expect and it was met with curiosity and trepidation around the table but there was not a drop left in any of the bowls when I cleared the table.

It tastes like sweet corn.  It is very rich.  The addition of the fresh fruit really helped to cut the richness of this dessert.  It was a fun experiment and I will probably make it again as a unique, fanciful dessert for some unsuspecting guests.

Please make sure to stop by and see the other recipes being shared today.  You will find links following my recipe.

#icecream, #corn, #desserts,
Yield: 1 quartPin it

Sweet Corn Ice Cream

This unusual ice cream, made with sweet corn, is amazingly delicious. If you are a sweet corn lover this is the dessert for you.


2 large ears of sweet corn, kernels removed and cobs chopped
5 c. half and half 
1/2 c. granulated sugar
5 egg yolks
Fresh Blueberries and Peach Slices 


Place the corn, cobs, cream and sugar into a large saucepan over low heat. Cook, stirring until sugar dissolves. Continue to cook over low heat, stirring occasionally for 45 minutes to an hour.

Remove and discard the cobs.  Pour the mixture into a heavy duty blender, by batches if necessary, and puree until smooth.  Return the puree to the pan.  Whisk the egg yolks in a small bowl.  And 1/4 c. of the puree to the egg yolks, whisking constantly.  And a second 1/4 c. to the egg yolks and then incorporate this mixture into the puree.

Return pan to low heat and cook, stirring constantly, until thickened it reaches a temperature of 170*.  The custard is ready when it coats the back of a wooden spoon and stays separated when a finger is ran across the coating.

Pour mixture into a bowl and let cool to room temperature before refrigerating overnight.  Alternately, place bowl of custard in an ice bath and stir until cooled quickly, then refrigerate for 4-5 hrs before continuing.

Pour the cold custard into your ice cream maker and churn per manufacturer's instructions.  When done churning place into a freezer safe container and freeze for at least 3 hrs before serving, topped with the blueberries and peach slices.


Adapted from Cuisine at Home, Issue #100
Created using The Recipes Generator

More Amazing Farmer's Market Recipes


  1. This sounds SO interesting! I've made parsnip ice cream, but never corn. I'll have to fix that.

  2. This is totally the month for wonderful farm-fresh fruit and vegetables! I'm really happy with the corn, peaches, tomatoes, and more that our local market has now.

    best... mae at

  3. I was intrigued when I saw your title. I think I may have eaten something like this somewhere, but don't recall where. It may have been at a sweet corn festival. I do have good memories of an ice cram that tasted something like corn pops cereal. When I get around to making this I'll have to douse it with hot caramel for that caramel corn effect. Thanks for sharing!

  4. This is so out of the box! Sounds absolutely delicious :)

  5. This is on my bucket list to make. It looks so creamy and delicious.

  6. I know what I'm doing with our farm corn this week!


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