
Sunday, August 19, 2018

Still Enjoying Summertime and the Weekly Menu

For just having arrived a mere 19 days ago, our Marissa is certainly the social butterfly.   We have had at least one extra kid here, and often a whole household of them, each and every day.  It makes my heart sing.

Image result for kids everywhere

It is so much fun seeing her blossom and walk around with a constant smile on her face.  We have had some milestones this past week.  The most major, in my mind, is that Marissa now comes to us and hugs us goodnight before she goes to bed.  I think she is starting to feel much more safe and secure than she has in a good, long while.

She tried out for the volleyball team and was very disappointed when they decided that they weren't going to have a Freshman team.  But she bounced right back and is trying out for the Cheer team this week.

There were some changes to the menu last week.  Friday night turned into Pizza and Game night with John and Kirsten, who left yesterday to watch their eldest son, Mike, compete in the World Aerobatics Competition in Romania.  How exciting is that!!  We had hoped to go with them but it wasn't in the cards.

Rob and Linda joined us for game night along with a few of Marissa's friends.  We had a great time.

Saturday, we hosted a Dive Party with the group that went to Granada in May.  I kept it very easy.  I made pulled pork for sandwiches, ordered chicken and salads from the deli and had everyone bring a dish.  We had a great time sharing, photos, videos and memories.  Now I'm very anxious for March when we will be going to Cayman Brac.

Today, Marissa is having 4 friends over to hang out in the pool and spend the night.  Burgers and Dogs on the grill are the perfect fare for teenagers.

Monday, Marissa is making dinner, using leftovers from Saturday.

Tuesday, my friend, Karen, is bringing her grandchildren over for a play date in the pool with the Angel Face.

Wednesday, I have food pantry, after which we will be taking dinner over to Aunt Irene.

Thursday is my birthday...I think I'll have Frank take me out for dinner or perhaps he will make me dinner....either way, I'm taking the day off.

Friday night we have a retirement party to attend.  And POOF another week is gone!!

So here is the Weekly Menu.  Please stop by each day as I share photos and recipes.

Saturday-Dive Party
Pulled Pork Sandwiches
Deli Chicken and Salads
Potluck from Guests

Sunday-Pool Party
Hot Dogs
Baked Beans

Monday-Marissa's Dinner
Crispy BBQ Tostadas

Thai Style Pork Cutlets
Rice Noodles
Stir Fry Veggies

Swiss Steak with Mushroom Gravy
Mashed Potatoes
Buttered Corn

Thursday-My Birthday

Retirement Party


  1. There's always changes in the menu with kids! Lol. That's so great that Marissa's feeling secure, happy, and loved! Have a great day!


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