
Monday, August 27, 2018

Banana Maple Muffins #MuffinMonday

Naturally sweetened with banana and pure maple syrup, these muffins are perfect for back to school.  Hand them out as they run to catch the bus.  Stick one in their lunchbox as a treat.  Have a platter on the table when they walk in the door, famished, to hold them until dinner.

Welcome to Muffin Monday.........

Our friend, Stacy of Food Lust People Love, invites any bloggers interested to join her on the last Monday of each month, posting muffins of all sorts.

I try to join each month because I love the fact that muffins are so versatile.  I often share savory muffins that I serve along with dinner.  But I love sweet muffins too, especially for a compact, hand held, on the go breakfast.

We recently acquired a new teenager.  It has been many long years since we had a teenager in the house.  I quite, forgot, how busy life gets......between school shopping, homecoming shopping, hair appointments, manicures, pedicures, driving to and from "hanging out", volleyball tryouts, cheer practice and sports physicals.  In between, there is always at least one extra teen here visiting or spending the night and mandatory doctor visits, caseworker visits and therapy visits that are a requirement when you are adopting a child.

Knowing that I'm not alone in this craziness, I am happy to share this easy and delicious recipe with you that I found in one of my favorite cookbooks, Food to Live By.

Image result for food to live by cookbook

Food to Live By was written by Myra Goodman, Linda Holland and Pamela McKinstry for Earthbound Farms.  I have had this cookbook for many years and some of my favorite go to recipes are found inside.  Most notably, the Farmstand Marinara that I make and can during this time each year.  I also love the Roasted Squash Soup  and the Carrot Cake Muffins.

I made these with the intent of wrapping them individually and putting them in the freezer so that they would be available to grab for breakfast once school started.   They didn't last that long.  But I'm happy to know that Marissa and her friends liked them because I'm always looking for ways to use up those over ripe bananas that are sitting on my counter.

Before I share this recipe with you both here and over at Foodies Read, let's take a look at the other Marvelous Muffin recipes being shared today by our #MuffinMonday group.

I am anxious to look over these recipes and try some new muffins. I see so many titles that are perfect for seasonal, local products.  Wooohooooo.  And here is my recipe........

#muffins, #banana, #backtoschool, #maplesyrup, #quick, #easy,
Breads, Muffins, Breakfast, Snacks
Yield: 12 muffinsPin it

Banana Maple Muffins

Naturally sweetened with banana and pure maple syrup, these muffins are perfect for back to school. Hand them out as they run to catch the bus. Stick one in their lunchbox as a treat. Have a platter on the table when they walk in the door, famished, to hold them until dinner.
prep time: 10 minscook time: 30 minstotal time: 40 mins


2 c. white whole wheat flour
1 1/2 t. baking powder
1/4 t. baking soda
pinch of salt
1/4 t. ground ginger
1/4 t. ground cinnamon
2 eggs
1/2 c. pure maple syrup
1/2  firmly packed brown sugar
1/3 c. milk
1/4 c. canola oil
1/4 t. pure vanilla extract
3-4  very ripe bananas


Whisk together the flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt, ginger and cinnamon in a large bowl.  Set aside.

In large bowl of stand mixer, fitted with the paddle attachment, beat the eggs, syrup, brown sugar, milk, oil and vanilla until well combined.  Continue beating, adding the bananas, a little at a time, until incorporated. 

Make a well in the dry ingredients and pour the wet ingredients into the well.  Stir just until combined.

Divide the batter between a 12 cup muffin tin that has been treated with baking spray, butter or lined with paper cups.

Bake in a preheated  375* oven for 20-30 minutes, until a skewer inserted removes cleanly.


Adapted from Food to Live By
Created using The Recipes Generator

Muffin Monday

#MuffinMonday is a group of muffin loving bakers who get together once a month to bake muffins. You can see all our of lovely muffins by following our Pinterest board. Updated links for all of our past events and more information about Muffin Monday, can be found on our home page.


  1. I always loved bananas for breakfast. Whether sliced onto cereal or something like this to grab and go, it is the perfect thing for kids and teens. They need that good start to the day!

  2. Bananas and maple together sounds perfect to me! I've got a high school age son, and things are nuts here right now too :)

  3. Muffins -- a good idea. I would like the other varieties, though, as I really dislike banana flavor, especially in baked goods. I don't have that cookbook, but I guess I could look on the page where everybody posts their muffin adventures and get some new ideas. I recently bought some silicone muffin/brioche cups that work beautifully.

    best... mae at

  4. Great combination, maple syrup and bananas. These sound like wonderful kid and big people food, Wendy!

  5. Our freezer is always stocked with individually wrapped muffins ready to take to work for a mid morning snack! I bet your teenager is in heaven with all of your delicious muffins.


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