
Sunday, July 22, 2018

Double JJ Ranch and the Weekly Menu

It has been a fun filled, crazy week here on the farm.  

Let me do a quick recap...…..
Last Sunday we were allowed to pick up M, the eldest, from her residential home and take her with us to the beautiful west side of our State of Michigan. We were met there by my brother, Larry, and his wife, Mary and granddaughter, Quinn.  We also, as you can see, brought the Angel Face along.

We stayed at a family resort called Double JJ Ranch.  We had a suite containing a full kitchen, 2 fireplaces, 2 bathrooms and a spa tub.  It was very nice.  

There was a huge indoor water park.  In between slide rides the older girls would take time out to spend time with our Little Miss Melody. 

When the older girls were off on their own it was up to Grammy and Grampy to entertain our Angel Face.

There was also a little town in the Back 40 that had an outdoor water park as well as stores and games.  We spent a few hours there one afternoon.

And the adults finally found a way to get a break and relax a little bit.  We let them out after we were completely refreshed LOL.

Our Angel Face died of boredom being in that jail!!

Frank and I went horseback riding with the older girls.

Little Miss stayed back with Uncle Larry and Aunt Mary for a pony ride.

On the last day we went for a dune buggy ride at Silver Lake and along the shore of Lake Michigan. Our Angel Face, at one point said "This is the best day of my life" and then at another said "This is the funnest day ever!!".  Needless to say we loved the dune ride and look forward to doing it again one day.

After the dune ride and a stop at a lighthouse we headed out to take M, the eldest,  back to her residential home. When we arrived there we were told that she would be back down near us the following day as she was getting braces.  We were allowed to pick her up from the orthodontist and we have had her since.  

Tomorrow we have a family meeting with DHHS.  We believe this is the last step before M, the eldest, moves in permanently.  The process with M, the youngest, will then start with the girls getting reacquainted and enjoying visits together and with us, until M, the youngest, is ready to transition to our home and care.

So while we are not sure what this week has in store for us, one thing is for certain.....We gotta eat.

Here is our Weekly Menu, including last night's dinner.  Please stop by during the week for updates regarding the adoption, recipes and photos.

Saturday-Friends for Dinner
Charcuterie Board 
Grilled Steaks
Potato and Pea Salad
Green Bean Salad
Corn on the Cob

Dinner at our Niece, Steph's, home

Dinner out for Larry and Mary's Anniversary

Leftover Potato Salad
Cole Slaw

Out for dinner for John's Birthday

Country Ribs with Mango BBQ Sauce
Corn on the Cob
Baked Beans

Fish Friday
Brined Salmon
Smashed Redskin Potatoes
Squash Salad


  1. oh wow that sounds like quite the trip with all the horseback riding, waterpark, jail (haha!), and dune buggy riding...I'll bet she slept for a week! What a fun vacation and great to have a little summer getaway too, even just for a little while. I have only driven through western Michigan and I've seen more of the eastern/southern parts (Mackinac and Ann Arbor etc) but next time I'm on a road trip in the area, I'd love to explore more of the western part of the state. Michigan is just so beautiful. Glad you guys had a wonderful time!

    1. Thanks Dana. I love Michigan but also love your great Country. We visit quite often. We have family in Peterborough which is gorgeous.


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