
Friday, June 1, 2018

The First Week of June and the Weekly Menu

I can't believe that it is already June.  The year is half over.  People say that the years fly by and the days crawl.  I don't know....all of my time seems to fly by in the blink of an eye.

The rebuilding of the back room is complete.  The outside is short a few strips of siding as they had to be special ordered and will be in next week.  Yesterday we primed the walls and ceiling and Frank got the ceiling painted while I was at a meeting.

It is very white and large.  We are pretty tickled with the room though.  It used to be that we would have to close it off from the rest of the house due to climatic changes.  It would be too hot in the summer and too cold in the winter.  Now the temp in that room is the same as in the rest of the house.  It will really increase our living space.

Today, we will paint the walls.  Mostly a sage green with some pops of burgundy.  I can't wait to see how it looks.  Stay tuned for those photos. We also hope to get the pool up and running.  There was a problem with the filter.  Part is ordered and hopefully will be in this morning so we can use the pool this weekend.

Tomorrow the tile guy starts laying the tile.  He thinks it will take two days.  He will be back to complete the job on Monday.  While the tile guy was here looking at the job he noted that there was buckling in my hardwood flooring that was laid last year.  He recommended we call back Lowes because that shouldn't be happening.  Sure enough, there was an error during installation where they screwed down the floor underneath and closet door.  The floor is supposed to be free floating so this created the problem.  The Lowe's contractor will be out to measure for replacement on Wednesday.

Our furniture is in so as soon as the flooring is laid in the back room we will call for delivery.  The new furniture is going into our living room and the living room furniture is being put in the back room.

Another new thing this week is my schedule with the Angel Face.  She starts a new summer program at a Montessori School tomorrow.  She attends each day from 9-3.  So I will pick her up after school now instead of in the morning and then take her back to school on Tuesday mornings.  Tuesday afternoon I will pick her up again and take her to swim lessons before returning her to Mama after work.  This will be for the month of June.  There is no school in July or August so I'm not sure how that schedule will look until it arrives.

I have a another big announcement that I am sharing with you tomorrow.  It seems our life is constantly changing.....That is a good thing.....We never get bored LOL.

Little Miss is spending the night tonight because Mama is participating in a tough mudder on Saturday.  We will return her home when Jessica is done with the race and then we are hitting some tile stores looking for the tiles we want to use for framing the fireplace in the back room.

Sunday we will attend 9:30 Mass, after which I will stick around to man a table for Mission Sunday, when our parishioners sign up to volunteer for the services we offer.  I am hoping to get some more hands for the Food Pantry.  We have a baby shower to attend in the afternoon at Frank's cousins house.  Their son had a baby boy in April that we are celebrating.  I am putting a roast in the crockpot to cook while we are gone.

I have rambled on haven't I?  Sorry about that....Here is the Weekly Menu.  What are you cooking up this week?

Taco Hot Pockets (moved from last week)
Corn and Avocado Salad

Pot Roast
Mashed Potatoes
Steamed Green Beans

Asparagus Stir Fry with Chicken and Mushrooms
Steamed Rice

Carry out at Aunt Irene's

Grilled Steaks
Baked Sweet Potato

Steak and Pasta Toss (using leftover steak)

Fish Friday
Shrimp and Scallop Kebabs
Fried Rice (using leftover rice from Monday)


  1. WOW! Where do you find the energy my friend. I am exhausted just reading about it. But, then, I am older than you! hehe. Room is looking great. Can't wait for tomorrow's big announcement!

    1. You will be shaking your head at us my friend but I think you, more than many, will also understand.

  2. You are so organized! We figured out what we are eating for dinner tonight around an hour ago. I don't know what tomorrow's dinner will be, or any other future date, except that within a few days we have some leftovers to dine on. You also know what you are doing on several days in the future. I think there are one or two things on my calendar in the next 6 weeks, and everything else will happen as it happens!

    best... mae at

    1. Oh Mae, if I don't menu plan we end up going out or ordering in because I stand in front of the refrigerator wondering what the heck I should make LOL....and if I don't put it on the calendar I will never remember what I need to do!!

  3. The room looks great! I am anxious, also, to see how it all looks when you have finished painting and moved in the furniture...but then I know it will be beautiful. I envy your boundless energy! I will be waiting on pins and needles to hear your new announcement. Cheers!


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