
Sunday, June 17, 2018

Happy Father's Day and The Weekly Menu

Happy Father's Day to all of you out there that take on the important role of "Dad" each and every day.  You are the unsung heroes.  You are the men that embrace your role and take serious your responsibility of supporting, directing and forming these precious lives for whom you are responsible.  Many of you are not even the "biological" father but take pride in being "Daddy". Some of you are uncles and grandpas who step in to fill the void of a father who cannot or will not be in their child's life.  Some of you are women, trying to "do it all" because you have no other choice.

My Pops with Me and my sister, Dawn.

Please know that we recognize, respect and admire all that you do.  I was lucky enough to have an amazing father.  I was lucky that the man who fathered my children took his role very seriously and was/is a supportive, loving Dad.

Frank with our 4 legged and 2 legged babies.  He's a great doggy dad too.

I am very lucky that my husband embraces the role of father, with his own children, with my children, with each child we have brought into our family, with our granddaughter.  He is now eagerly prepared to take on this role again as we work our way through this adoption process.

It is a slow process but we hope to have the girls very soon.  I will keep you updated.  Perhaps the Lord thought I needed to learn patience before he places them into our care LOL.

Speaking of patience, we are finally starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel with our remodel. We started moving in some of the furniture.  Today I will be washing all the items that need to go back into my cabinet under the window there.  The new furniture for the living room is being delivered today.  Frank will be doing some minor touch up of painting on the moldings and finishing up the inside of the pantry so I can start putting stuff back in there in the morning.  He is also putting the next coat of varnish on the bar.  It needs three coats and must dry for 24 hrs. between each.

Frank has been working non stop since we got home from vacation.  He starts first thing in the morning and goes until he falls into bed at night.  I can barely get him to stop to eat.  This weekend he was forced into down time.  We had a birthday party to attend for our friend, Vicki, on Friday night.  Yesterday, we went to Mass and then stopped by a Graduation party and today, Amy and Doug are stopping by for a few hours before we leave to go out to our friend's, Rob and Linda's, for their daughter's 30th birthday party.  Jessica and Melody will be meeting us there.

Nicole, Pierre and Anthony had to work today so we are meeting up with them for lunch tomorrow so they can see their Dad.  After lunch we will pick up the Angel Face from school.  Dawn is bringing her granddaughter over for a play date in the afternoon and staying for dinner.  Hopefully her husband will be able to join us after work.  Our brother, Dick and his wife, Jackie, will be stopping by for dinner before they head out to watch their grandson, Carter's, last baseball game of the season.

Tuesday we will be going to Aunt Irene's.  Wednesday, I have food pantry.  Thursday we have a choir practice.  Normally choir is over but next weekend is our Pastor's last Mass with us as he is being transferred to another parish.  We are singing a couple of his favorite hymns and then I am helping to host his farewell reception.  Friday we are having company for dinner.  John and Kirsten and Ron and Roz.  It is Kirsten and Roz's birthday week so a small celebration is in order.

So I am sharing our Weekly Menu, short as it is.  What's on your menu this week?

Graduation Party

Birthday Party

Monday-Company for Dinner
Turmeric Shrimp with Mango Salsa
Island Pork Tenderloin Kebabs
Black Beans and Rice
Grilled Fruit Salad

Carry out at Aunt Irene's

BBQ Chicken
Potato Salad
Baked Beans

Grilled Rice Cakes
Japanese Pickles

Friday-Kirsten and Roz's Birthday Dinner
Charcuterie Platter
Chopped Greek Salad
Steak Kebabs
Potato Salad
Blueberry/Strawberry Roll

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