
Sunday, April 22, 2018

I think Spring has Sprung! Let's Celebrate with the Weekly Menu

Woohoooo....the sun is finally shining here in Michigan and the temps have leapt out of the freezing zone to the 50's.  My spirits are soaring. Tomorrow the builder and roofer will be here to start on the remodel.  I cannot wait to get my house back in order.

Image result for welcome spring

This is going to be a very different week for us.  The Angel Face and her Mama left today for vacation.  We had originally planned on using this time to go see our son, Chuck, who lives in Virginia but the weather delayed our remodel which, in turn, delays our opportunity to leave for a while.

My brother, Dick, and his wife Jackie are joining us for dinner tonight.  We will be grilling our first steaks of the season.  It's not our first grill night though because Saturday night we threw hot dogs on the grill.

The rest of the week is free because we thought we were going to be out of town so we will just be getting things done around here and enjoying the weather.

Tuesday we pick up our new vehicle.  You don't realize how much you depend on having two vehicles until you are down to only one for a while.

Here's what we're eating this week.......As you can see we are getting revved up for Cinco de Mayo with some Enchiladas on Taco Tuesday.  Do you celebrate Cinco de Mayo?  What is your favorite Mexican Food?

Hot Dogs
Baked Beans

Sunday (Friends for Dinner)
Crab Salad with Lemon/Dill Vinaigrette
Grilled Steaks
Sweet Potatoes
Grilled Asparagus
Cream Pie

Meatless Monday
Spinach Tortellini Soup

Taco Tuesday
Easy Tex-Mex Enchiladas

Kenyan Palau


Fish Friday
Fried Perch Sandwich
Pasta Salad

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