
Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Build your own Sundaes.....#KitchenMatrixCookingProject

You would think that since I was choosing the themes for this month's Kitchen Matrix Cooking Project I would be happy with the options.  Hah.....That would only be true if I were paying attention to what I chose.

But no, being who I am, I decided I wanted the final week to be a dessert.  So I went to the dessert section of Mark Bittman's Kitchen Matrix Cookbook that I, Cam of Culinary Adventures with Camilla and Karen of Karen's Kitchen Stories are showcasing each week.  I saw the title "Dessert Bars" and thought that it was going to be different options for cookie bars.  It isn't.

The Dessert Bars to which Bittman was referring was a dessert bar that is set up like a salad bar where the ingredients are available and each person makes their own dessert according to their tastes.

I was originally going to do a Mini Cream Pie dessert bar but then I ran out of time. That idea will have to wait for another day.

I was having my brother and sister in law over for dinner this past Sunday so I ran to the store, grabbed all the goodies needed for an Ice Cream Sundae Bar,  I added them to the goodies already available in my refrigerator and pantry and called it a day.

As life would have it.  My sister in law was unable to join us for dinner.  My brother was though and we had a nice visit and ate so much that we didn't have room for dessert. 

This ice cream sundae bar that I'm showing you today was made just for this post.  Frank and I had an impromptu ice cream treat in the middle of the day yesterday.

The trials and tribulations of a food blogger LOL.......

Here is what the others decided to do with this challenge I gave them:

I'd like to say that in the future I will pay more attention but I know myself well enough not to make promises I probably won't keep.  It all worked out fine.  We loved our Ice Cream Sundae bar and I may use the idea during summer pool parties.


  1. I love it! It was a fun, well-deserved break.

  2. I am cracking up at both you and Cam wondering about the dessert bar recipe =)

    1. I know...and then we both decide on ice cream as well. Too funny.


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