
Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Miso Stock #KitchenMatrixCookingProject

Welcome to the March version of the Kitchen Matrix Cooking Project, hosted by Cam of Culinary Adventures with Camilla.  A few of us are getting together each week in 2018 to share recipes inspired by the Kitchen Matrix Cookbook written by Mark Bittman who you may know from the NY Times.

Many of the recipes from the book are also on line from the NY Times.  If you are interested in joining us check out Cam's invitation post.  We post each week on Tuesday and this month's recipe themes are as follows:
  1. Quick Stocks
  2. Celery
  3. Miso
  4. Pork Ribs
I am combining three of these weeks into one recipe.  I will be sharing that recipe with you next week.  Today I am sharing a quick stock made of Miso.

I had never worked with miso before.  To my knowledge I have never eaten miso before.  I have heard of miso soup, but have never tried it.  

I had a heck of a time finding miso.  Both my local grocers were out of it!  A run on miso??!!  The next closest grocer didn't carry it.  I ended up an hour's drive from my house to the International Market where I found some red miso.  

Bittman's recipe didn't specify what type of miso you should use but my stock came out darker than the photo in the cookbook.  I don't know what it is supposed to taste like so I am just playing it by ear and hoping that the recipe I make with this stock for next week's post, turns out well.  Fingers crossed.

This really isn't much of a recipe.  Take some miso paste and mix it into 6 cups of water that is nearly boiling. I used 1/3 cup of red miso, mixed it with 2/3 cup of the simmering water in a bowl and then poured that into the pot of simmering water, whisking until it dissolved completely.  

Let's take a look at the stock the other's made for this week.


  1. Nice! The miso stock was the next on my list to try. There's red, yellow, and white miso as far as I know; those decrease in intensity as the color gets lighter.

    1. Well, the red was not very strong so I'm not sure what purpose the others would serve LOL. I will talk more about that in my recipe next week.

  2. ooo! I love this idea! I would make these in a hot minute.


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