
Thursday, November 23, 2017

For these Lord, I am grateful......

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I am, each year so extremely grateful for my loving, supportive, caring family and friends.  I know that not everyone is as blessed as I and I thank the Lord each day for surrounding me with so much love and warmth.

On this day, I will look beyond my family and friends to see 10 other events, occurrences and things for which I have to be Thankful this year.

  1. Another cancer free year for Frank.
  2. Financial stability
  3. Settling into our new home.
  4. 4 rambunctious, crazy mutts
  5. Scuba diving in the Carribean
  6. Cruising in Alaska
  7. Strolling in Vegas
  8. Outings to Theaters, Operas and Plays
  9. Successful works of Charity
  10. Over 30 books read or enjoyed audibly
I hope that this past year has been abundantly wonderful to you and yours.  May God bless and keep us in the coming year.


  1. Happy Thanksgiving to you both and I am thankful for your friendship, Help!!!, being a shoulder when the going gets tough, being supportive this year for my son. You are truly a blessing in my life. Oh and for the glasses of wine when needed. :) We love you both and all the mutts and the family...Would not know what to do if we did not have you all in our life... HUGs Love Mickey and Don

    1. We love you too. Hope your Thanksgiving is awesome. Frank will be stopping by during the week to get instructions so you can get some well deserved fun in the sun.


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