
Sunday, June 25, 2017

Let the Visiting Begin.....and the Weekly Menu

Our son from Denmark, Dian, his girl, Helena and their baby, Jordan, arrive this afternoon for a 3 week visit to the USA.  We are so excited to meet Helena and Jordan and can't wait to spend time with Dian who was fondly referred to as "Bratski" while he lived with us.

This is the first day of company from out of town staying with us for the summer.  My brother, Larry, and his wife, Mary, arrive July 6th for the month.  While they are with us, some of Mary's friends are coming in from California too so we will have them for a few days as well.  It is going to be a hectic, busy, fun filled summer!!

Yesterday was spent going to the Farmer's Market, Butcher and Grocers to have full cupboards, pantry and refrigerator for our guests.  The afternoon was spent on yard work and then we attended a Graduation party for Frank's cousin's son.

Today we are going to 9:30 am Mass and then heading over to a neighboring town for an Art Fair. Dian and family should be arriving to the house about 3 or 4 pm.  Tingting and Melody will be over to welcome them.  Dian was living at our house and attending school with Tingting.  It was he who let us know that she needed a home for the second semester.  We invited her to stay with us and the rest is history. 

Dian's favorite food while he was here was hamburgers so that is what we are serving for his first dinner home. We are going to play the rest of the week by ear.  I have a meeting at church to attend on Monday afternoon and we are picking John and Kirsten up at the airport late Wednesday evening when they return from Japan.  I can't wait to hear all about their trip.

So here is the Weekly may be switched up depending on what activities we decide on during the week but at least I will have a plan in mind.

Graduation Party

Potato Salad
Baked Beans

Meatless Monday
Spinach and Cheese Ravioli
Caesar Salad
Tomato/Blue Cheese Salad
Garlic Bread

Chicken Enchiladas
Spanish Rice
Refried Beans

Meatballs in Mushroom Gravy
Horseradish Mashed Potatoes
Steamed Broccoli

Asst. Grilled Sausages
Asst. Salads

Fish Friday
Shrimp Scampi
Pasta Agli Olio


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