
Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Black Garlic and Mushroom Pizza with Alfredo Pesto Sauce

Are you familiar with Black Garlic?  I had heard of it but had never tried it.  I was sent some as part of the #4theLoveofGarlic event this past Spring.  This event was hosted by my friend Cam of Culinary Adventures with Camilla and sponsored, in part, by Melissa's Produce, who provided us tons of garlic, including this black garlic.

Black garlic is sweet and delicious, reminiscent of roasted garlic.  I knew it was going to be delicious on pizza.  I had some pesto alfredo sauce left from a Meatless Monday dinner and some mushrooms sitting in the refrigerator. 

I made up some of my Easy Weeknight Pizza Dough and when it was ready pressed it into the bottom of my square bakestone pan.  Spread the sauce over the middle of it.  Scattered on the black garlic and sauteed mushrooms.  Topped it with some fresh Mozzarella and shaved Parmesan Cheese.

Popped it in the oven and 15 minutes later we were enjoying this rich and decadent dinner.  

Black Garlic and Mushroom Pizza with Alfredo Pesto

1 c. alfredo sauce, store bought or homemade
2 T. pesto, store bought or homemade
1 pizza dough, store bought or homemade
5 cloves black garlic, thinly sliced
6 oz. mushrooms
2 t. butter
salt and pepper to taste
6 oz. fresh mozzarella, slice into 1/4" rounds
Shaved parmesan cheese to taste

Heat the butter in a large skillet over med high heat, add the mushrooms, season with salt and pepper. Saute until liquid is released and mushrooms are browned and tender.  Remove from pan, leaving any remaining liquid and place on a plate to cool and dry.

Press dough into a square baking pan or shape into a round.  Combine the alfredo and pesto sauces. Spread onto the dough leaving a 1" border on the edges.  Scatter the garlic and mushrooms over the sauce.  Place the mozzarella slices over all and sprinkle with the shaved parmesan.

Bake in a preheated 500* oven for 10-15 minutes, until crust is golden brown and sauce and cheese is bubbling.  Remove from oven and let sit for a few minutes before cutting.  Print Recipe


  1. This looks delicious Wendy!! I've never tried black garlic, and haven't really seen it in the stores, but I might have to hunt some down!


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