
Friday, April 28, 2017

Beet and Carrot Smoothie to Finish Up #RecipeMakeover Week

Today is the final day of this wonderful #RecipeMakeover event hosted by the lovely ladies over at ThePinterTest Kitchen.  It is also the last day to enter to win the fabulous gifts being offered by our gracious and generous sponsors.  You can learn all about our sponsors and enter the drawing by going over to my Welcome Post.

One of our sponsors, Barleans, sent me a wonderful package of their Digestive Blend, chock full of flax, chia, coconut, pumpkin and quinoa.  Perfect for sprinkling on salads, yogurt and oatmeal.  You can add it to your baked goods for an extra nutritious punch.  I decided to add it to this smoothie, perfect for grabbing as you head out the door to work.

The recipe I am sharing is perfect for smoothies for two.  You can always halve the recipe if you are not forcing having your husband eat healthier along with you.

I had some leftover beets that I had roasted for a salad (that recipe will be coming shortly)  and some leftover carrots from a package of frozen that I had heated up for dinner the night before.  I added in a crispy and sweet apple and some apple juice so no additional sweetener was required. 

I topped this with 4 tablespoons of the Barleans Digestive Blend and a cup of ice and set my heavy duty blender to puree.

I thought the earthy goodness of this smoothie might be too sophisticated for young palates but to my surprise the Little Angel Face loved it!  I was happy to share this nutritious, delicious breakfast with her.  Thanks Barleans! 

Thank you Allison and the other ladies of The PinterTest Kitchen for all of your hard work putting together this wonderful event.

Beet and Carrot Smoothie
makes 2 servings

2 c. roasted beets and carrot mixture
1 c. apple juice
1  apple, cored
4 T. Barleans Digestive Blend, if desired
1 cup ice

Place all ingredients into a heavy duty blender in the order listed and puree until smooth.  Print Recipe

Let's see what the others are sharing on this final day


  1. This smoothie sounds yummy! I love how you used the digestive blend in this too :) XOXO

    1. It was good Kelly. My husband thought it was a little thick to his liking so adjust the liquid to your own preference

  2. Beets and Carrots are my favorite veggies to throw into smoothies/juices. Yum!

  3. I should make more smoothies. They are so simple and nutritious. I wouldn't have thought to use beets though!

    1. Roasted beets are naturally sweet so they do well in smoothies.

  4. I haven't ever tried putting beets into my smoothies but I really need to!!

    1. They add a nice, earthy sweetness to a smoothie, Farrah.

  5. What a lovely color! I have never put beets in a smoothie before, but definitely need to give it a try.


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