
Saturday, March 11, 2017

Welcome Home Max and the Weekly Menu

Our German son, Max, arrived home Thursday evening.  We picked him up from the airport and met up with a friend on the way home for a bite.  Friday we hung out together and then he went out with friends in the evening.  Today, he is spending time with the family that had him before we were lucky enough to have him join our brood.

Tomorrow we are having a homecoming celebration with those that were closest to him when he lived here. Max is planning on finishing up his Masters program here in the States so we will be able to see him every once in awhile.  This makes me very happy.  He is a special guy.

I am continuing on my Lenten journey this week.  Last week I only made it to daily Mass one time.  I am hoping to attend more often this week.  I did pretty well on the FMD eating plan. This week should be easier now that my sugar and caffeine withdrawals are gone.

We also are having a change to our schedule now with our Little Miss Melody.  Mama got a different job and will be working regular hours each day.  She is still pursuing her degree in marketing and while some of her classes are online she will be going right from work to school on Tuesday evenings.  So now our Angel Face will be attending school (daycare) on Monday, Thursdays and Fridays.  We will pick her up on Tuesday mornings and take her to her dance classes before bringing her home to stay.  I will take her with me to bathe Aunt Irene on Wednesdays instead of Tuesdays and then take her home to be with her Mama.  This is going to be a very hard transition for everyone but especially for Tingting.  Please keep her in your prayers.

So here is our Weekly Menu.  Please come back each day as I share photos and recipes.  Have a great week everyone.

Pork Chops
Baked Sweet Potato
Steamed Broccoli

Sunday-Max's Homecoming
Tossed Salad
Caramel Cake

Meatless Monday
Phase 1 Pasta Primavera

Sweet and Sour Chicken
Brown Rice

Out for dinner

Rustic Ranch Style Soup

Peanut Stew over Brown Rice
Shaved Asparagus Salad


  1. The menu sounds really good. I was wondering how it was going with the 'diet'. I will keep Ting in my prayers. It is always hard for moms to be separated from their kids. During my 3 years of going to college and working full time when my boys were little I felt like I never saw them. It was hard on all of us!!

    1. It is hard but necessary as you well know. I appreciate your thoughts and prayers sent her way.


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