
Sunday, February 26, 2017

Celebrating Mardi Gras with #SundaySupper

gril·lade :
/ɡriˈläd,ɡrēˈyäd/ noun
 plural noun: grillades
 a kind of meat stew usually made with beef steak, typical of French regional and Cajun cooking.
source: Google Search

Tender Spicy Morsels of Beef Tenderloin in Gravy
 served over Cheese filled Grits
 and topped with a Bacon and Tomato Relish!!

Can you think of a better way to celebrate Fat Tuesday?  I certainly can't.  Mardi Gras (Fat Tuesday) is celebrated on February 28th this month.  March 1st is Ash Wednesday and the beginning of our Lenten Season so we are getting ready for our last hurrah before the fasting and alms giving commences.  

Our host, Marion of Life Tastes Good, wisely asked us all to bring our favorite Mardi Gras recipe to the table this week.  This way all of our readers have a couple of days to plan their menu for their Mardi Gras celebration on Tuesday.

Keeping in mind that many of my readers will be working on Tuesday, I wanted to share a dish that is quick, easy and filled with the Cajun flavors you would find if you were lucky enough to be celebrating Mardi Gras in New Orleans.  When you read this, I will be in Dominica, celebrating Carnival.  I'm so excited.

This entire meal is ready in less than an hour.  Be forewarned that, in true Cajun fashion, this dish is very spicy.  I cut way down on the amount of Cayenne pepper and it still had a great bite.  A little too much bite for Frank who is very spice sensitive so if this is the case with your family you may want to reduce the Cayenne pepper even more.

Once you have seared the tenderloin and are letting the gravy thicken and reduce it is time to make your cheesy grits.  I used quick cooking grits which take only 5 minutes.  Stir in the cheese and butter and set aside while you rewarm the steak in the gravy and throw together the Bacon and Tomato Relish.

You are now ready to serve.  Plate the grits on one side of a shallow plate or bowl.  Ladle the stew onto the other side and top with a healthy dose of the tomato and bacon relish.

This elegant and delicious dinner is on the table within an hour making it perfect for a weeknight dinner but beautiful and tasty enough to serve to guests.  I adapted this recipe from one found in my latest issue of Cuisine at Home.  I made my own cajun seasoning adapting this recipe from 

Tenderloin Grillades with Cheesy Grits and Tomato/Bacon Relish
adapted from Cuisine at Home, Issue #122


1 lb beef tenderloin, slice into strips
3 T. flour
1 t. white pepper
1 t. garlic powder
1 t. onion powder
1/2 t. cayenne pepper ( more or less to taste)
1 t. paprika
4 thick slices of bacon, diced
1 yellow pepper, cut into chunks
1 med. red onion, sliced
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 T. tomato paste
2 c. beef broth
1 t. worcestershire sauce


3/4 c. half and half 
1 1/4 c. water
dash of cayenne pepper
1 cup grits
1 c. colby jack cheese, shredded
2 T. butter


4 slices diced bacon, cooked 
1 large tomato, seeded and diced
1/4 c. chopped fresh parsley
1 t. red wine vinegar

Combine the flour, pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, cayenne and paprika in a large plastic bag. Add the beef strips and shake to coat.

Cook bacon in large skillet over med heat until crisp.  Set aside to drain on a paper towel lined plate.

Add olive oil to the bacon grease in the skillet to equal 2 tablespoons.  Heat over med high heat.  Sear the seasoned tenderloin, in two batches, for a minute on each side, reserving any seasoned flour left in the bag.  Set aside on a plate.

To the same skillet, still over med high heat, add 1 more tablespoon of olive oil.  Add the onion and peppers to the skillet and cook for 5 or 6 minutes, stirring occasionally, until softened.  Add garlic, tomato paste, and remaining seasoned flour.  Cook and stir for a minute or two until fragrant.  Stir in the broth and worcestershire sauce.  Bring to a boil, scraping up any browned bits sticking to the bottom of the skillet.  Let cook until thickened and reduced, 5 minutes or so.

While gravy is thickening, make the grits by bringing the cream, water and cayenne to a soft boil over med high heat in a large saucepan.  Gradually stir in the grits, reduce heat and cook, stirring often until thickened, about 5 minutes.  Stir in the cheese and butter, set aside.

Turn the heat off under the gravy but leave on burner.  Add the reserved tenderloin and allow to gently rewarm. 

Toss together the reserved bacon, tomatoes, parsley and red wine vinegar.

Place a quarter of the grits on one side of a shallow plate or bowl.  Ladle a fourth of the stew along side the grits and top with 1/4 of the Tomato/Bacon relish.  Print Recipe

More Recipes Celebrating Mardi Gras


Main Dishes



Sunday Supper Movement

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