
Monday, January 2, 2017

My Favorite Post from Last Month

Happy January everybody.  I hope the New Year has started off terrifically for you.  Our friend, Sid of Sid's Sea Palm Cooking has invited us to meet each first Monday of the month during the New Year and share our very favorite recipe that we posted in the previous month.

I made thirteen different kinds of cookies in December.  You would bet the odds were with me choosing one of those....and they were delicious....however my personal favorite recipe that I shared last month was a light, creamy and dreamy Creme Brulee.

I served this up as the finalé to a dinner party that I had along with some French Fizz for my #Winophiles group.  Besides the fact that it was sinfully good and my guests were very impressed this recipe beat out the others as my favorite because it is so easy to make and is made ahead of time so all you need do at the end is brulee the sugar topping and serve.  

I also love when I can combine 2 or more groups in one post and this Creme Brulee did just that. Along with French Winophiles, this dessert also covered my #FoodnFlix post for the movie Krampus. You can read all about both groups and get the recipe for this creamy cup of custard on my post from December 17, 2016.

Image may contain: food

Now let's go see what the others chose as their favorite recipe from last month.


  1. I have to make some Creme Brulee again, it's been way too long and my little torch needs some practice. Thanks so much for linking this recipe.

  2. Creme Brûlée is my all-time fave! LOVE!!!

  3. Creme brulee is a real favourite of ours! I love to make it for special occasions at home as although it's so lovely and creamy it's also not a huge dessert and so not too filling after a big meal.

  4. I want to try making creme brulee and your recipe sounds so easy!

  5. How fun!! Both you and Sally posted Creme Brulees, and dessert that is on my bucket list!!

  6. OBVIOUSLY great minds pick favorites alike! ;-)


  7. I think a kitchen torch is my next must-have gadget so I can try making crème brulee at home, my husband loves ordering it at restaurants.

    1. You can always grab your husband's torch from the garage too. It works.


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