
Friday, September 16, 2016

I've got a minute

Today was quite the day. This morning we closed on the sale of our home. I remember the excitement when we bought this home. It exceeded any dreams we had ever had of the kind of house in which we would ever live.

It has been a happy home, filled with laughter and love. It was never meant to be our forever home. We knew one day we would be downsizing and I am ready for this move. I'm excited to start this new chapter of our journey. So, why then am I writing this with tears rolling down my face?

So many of my dreams were fulfilled in this home. I was given the opportunity to raise hens, chickens, turkeys and hogs. I had a kitchen that is every cooks dream with a professional Viking Range and a Koehler Pro Cook Center. I was blessed with exchange students from all over the world. We had room enough to host every family reunion, give refuge to family and friends in need and move my parents in when they could no longer live on their own. 

I am looking forward to creating new memories in the new house and I know that they will be good memories because the house we're leaving and the house to where we are moving are just places. It is Frank and I, along with all our family and friends that make it a home. 

So I am drying my tears and focusing on the excitement of moving and turning the new house into our home. I hope you will join me on that journey. 

Each journey starts with baby steps. The first baby steps were the closings. We should be making the move in a few weeks. Lots to be done before then but we still have to eat so I'm sharing the Weekly Menu. 

We are heading to an Aircraft Owners Conference as I write this. We will be attending a Hangar Dance and having dinner out. We drive home tomorrow afternoon and will stop for dinner en route. 

Sunday is Melody's second birthday celebration so we will be eating at the party. 

Monday I have meetings for church all day long, 10am, 4pm and 6:30pm. Frank is on his own. 

The rest of the week is typical so I will share our dinners for those days.   

Dinner out 

Dinner at Mel's party 

Fending for ourselves 

Chicken and Rice

Pot Roast

Beef vegetable soup 

Fish Friday
Grilled Salmon Salad


  1. Yes...just places. As an Air Force brat, I moved a lot. So long as I had my parents, my teddy bear, and my books, I knew life was good. You are right that it is you and Frank that make a home. Enjoy making your new home!

    1. Thanks Cam. This is the first time I have gotten melancholy over a move.

  2. I completely understand Wendy. Congratulations for ur new home.

  3. And yes all the reunion trip Parties for all of us Anchor Bay crazy family of divers. Which we could not thank you ever enough for... so we are in your debt for ever. Therefore if you need a pickup truck, a Jeep, to help or just some hands to pack we are just around the corner and will be willing to do anything for you both... We hope to be involved in the continuing adventure in yours and Franks life. Thanks for allowing to be involved all these years.... Mickey and Don....

    1. OH'll be involved. You are stuck with us LOL. I hope to have the NC after dive get together at the end of October so you can all see the new digs.

  4. Congratulations on your milestone. When we sold our first home -- it was a condo -- I cried when I was leaving. It was unexpectedly emotional. Can't wait to see pix of your new digs!

  5. I think it will be very bittersweet to leave your home. Which of the above pictures is of the one you are leaving?? Or are they both of the same house. Love your menu.

    1. The top pic is my current home, a split level. The bottom pic is the new home, a ranch style. Must be my style because they are similar in appearance and when people drive by the new place they all comment that it "looks" like me.

    2. Both are beautiful homes. My house is a ranch also!


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