
Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Road Trip and Book Reviews

We left bright and early Monday morning for the first leg of our road trip.  We arrived at our first stop, our friends, the Sawyers, in Mifflinburg, PA about 4 pm.  While en route we listened to The One in a Million Boy.

We also:

Spotted the Wiener Mobile at a rest stop.

Got off the expressway and fell into a Charles Wysocki painting.


Took a drive through Amish Country.

When we arrived a Kim and Keith's we were greeted with hugs, drinks and a buffet of snacks....from guacamole, to cheese dip, to fruit and veggies.  We spent a couple of hours catching up on each other's lives.  It had been over a year since we were last together.  We have vowed not to let it go that long this time and are making plans for a Vegas trip this fall.

We were then invited downstairs to the patio where Keith entertained us with a fantastic Seafood Boil.  OH MY YUM....I felt like I had died and went to heaven.  We visited some more, ate some more and drank some more until we just couldn't keep our eyes open.  

In the morning Kim served up a wonderful breakfast of fresh fruit, baked oatmeal and a breakfast casserole. It was a morning of shared memories and dreams.  Of future hopes for our kids and ourselves.  For catching up and for promising not to wait so long between get togethers.  We went into the neighboring town for pizza before they left on errands and we left for the 8 hr ride to our son's in Portsmouth, VA.

Image result for The Bookseller

During the drive to Chuck's house, I finished The Bookseller by Cynthia Swanson.  I can't remember why this novel ended up on my nook.  It was either recommended by someone or, perhaps, it was a promotion by B&N who often offer up books free or very inexpensively to introduce you to authors.

Whatever the reason, I am very glad that it was downloaded and that I decided to open it up during the ride.  It is a story of  a woman living in parallel worlds, one in which she is Katharyn....a married mother of triplets, one of whom is autistic....and one in which she is Kitty....a single woman who owns a struggling bookstore with her oldest and dearest childhood friend.  Katharyn/Kitty alternates between both worlds knowing that one of these is not true but only a dream.....which could it be?

I enjoyed the book and I am happy to recommend it.  I finished this novel before we went into have dinner when we came out it was getting dark and we still had 2 1/2 hrs before arriving at Chuck's.  I had brought a couple of "real" books to read but since it was getting dark I opened another on my nook, which is backlit.  This novel Unravel by Calia Read is another that I am not sure why I downloaded but so far, so good.  Stay tuned folks.


  1. Your friends sound like fun! And all that good eating!! The books sound good! I haven't heard of either one so they will be going on my list!! Have fun with Chuck!

    1. We had a great time Paula. Let me know how you like the books.


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