
Friday, August 19, 2016

Grilled Salmon Burgers with Caper Mayo for #FishFridayFoodies

Happy Friday everyone.  This is the third Friday of the month. Do you know what that means? You're right.  It's Fish Friday Foodies time.

FFF is a little group I started at the beginning of the year in an attempt to add more fish/seafood meals to my menus. I asked some of my blogging friends if they would like to join and they did! They also invited some of their friends and now we are up to 27 members.  Not all members post every month and our rules are pretty simple.  Each month one of us chooses a theme and lets the others know about it on our facebook page.  This month, Heather of All Roads Lead to the Kitchen chose Fish and Seafood Burgers.   Should you choose to participate you just make your dish; blog about it, including the recipe; schedule it to go live on the third friday of the month and link up to the other posts.  We also post what we are making as a courtesy to the host and others.

Would you like to join Fish Friday Foodies? We post and share new seafood/fish recipes on the third Friday of the month. To join our group please email Wendy at our Facebook page and Pinterest page for more wonderful fish and seafood recipe ideas.

I found a perfect recipe for this event in my latest issue of Cuisine at Home.  It was easily adaptable to fit Phase 3 of my new eating plan. The only problem was that I am in the middle of selling, buying and moving households and my food processor is packed in the far back section of a filled pod.  This left me mincing and dicing everything by hand.  The recipe warned not to dice the salmon too small so I ended up dicing it too large.  The end result were messy burgers that stuck to the grill and fell apart but tasted absolutely divine.  Even my husband, who is not a salmon lover and had the nerve to ask if we couldn't just "get McDonalds", enjoyed it.  The Caper Mayo was sublime and, in my humble opinion, made the burger special.

As you can see, the burger kind of fell apart.

That didn't stop it from being utterly delicious.

I enjoyed mine sans bun so that it would fit into my eating plan.
It worked out swimmingly.
See what I did there?  Salmon...Swimmingly?
Ah....never mind.

Make sure you stop by and see all the other wonderful fish and seafood burgers that were created. Thanks Heather for this intriguing challenge!

Grilled Salmon Burgers with Caper Mayo
adapted from Cuisine at Home, Issue #118


1/4 c. safflower oil mayonnaise
1 T. fresh lemon juice
1 T. small capers
1/2 T. sweet relish
salt and pepper to taste

Combine all ingredients in a small bowl.  Set Aside.

Salmon Burgers

1 slice sprouted grain bread (I used Ezekiel)
1 stalk celery
2 scallions
1 egg white
1/2 T. hot sauce (I used True Foods Veracha Sauce)
2 t. lemon juice
salt and pepper to taste
1/2 lb skinless salmon, diced
2 hamburger buns, toasted
Shredded lettuce
Sliced tomato

Place bread, celery, scallions, egg white and hot sauce in a food processor and pulse until minced. Add the salmon and pulse briefly.  Salmon chunks should still be visible.  Form mixture into 2 patties and place on a plate lined with parchment.  Coat both sides with cooking spray to prevent the burgers from sticking to the grill.  Grill over med high heat for 4 minutes per side.  Serve on toasted buns, topped with half the mayo, lettuce and tomato.  Print Recipe


  1. I believe it - that caper mayo sounds like it was made for these burgers. And hey, we never know until we try, right? I'm glad the hubs wound up enjoying these tasty sounding burgers, too. :)

  2. Amazing burger, tempting and irresistible.

  3. Love the sound of the caper mayo, bet it goes really well. Yum!

  4. My husband loves salmon fishing and lucky me, I love to eat salmon! Strange, I had never thought to use capers with salmon, but now that you mention it, it sounds just devine! Thanks!

  5. Swimmingly. Ha ha! Hey, if you just cram it onto a bun and put that mayo on it, whether or not it broke apart should matter very little, because they sound DELICIOUS! Glad your sweetie became a convert =) Thanks again for this great group.

  6. Wow! I wasn't aware that we have 27 members now…how exciting! Love your recipe Wendy…it sounds amazing and the caper mayo has me totally drooling!


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