
Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Recycled Potato Salad

Okay, so I am still trying to use up the leftover potatoes from our seafood boil.  I also had some leftover deviled eggs.

Hmmm....potatoes, eggs....well, of course, I made potato salad.  I cut up the potatoes and eggs, added some onion and celery.  The dressing was made using a 1/4 carton of sour cream, a little miracle whip left in the bottom of the jar and a couple of tablespoons of ranch dressing in the bottom of the bottle.  I also added in a package of bacon bits that were in my cupboard because.....bacon.

Now I am not a fan of potato salad as I told you about in this post but Frank loves potato salad so I make it every once in a while to make him happy.  He thought that this recipe is a keeper so I am sharing it with you today for the next time you are face with a little of this and a little of that in your refrigerator.

Recycled Potato Salad

2 lbs. red skin potatoes, cooked, cooled and cubed
6 deviled eggs, chopped up
3 T. sweet onion, finely diced
1 celery stalk, finely diced
1 pkg bacon bits or 6 slices bacon cooked and diced
1/2 c. sour cream
1/2 c. miracle whip
2 T. ranch dressing
salt and pepper to taste
paprika for garnish, if desired

Place potatoes, eggs, onion, celery and bacon into a large bowl.  Combine remaining ingredients except paprika.  Toss with potato mixture.  Transfer to a serving bowl and sprinkle with paprika if desired.  Print Recipe


  1. What a creative way to use your leftovers. I love potato salad!!

    1. Thanks more dish and I should be done with the potatoes LOL


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