
Thursday, June 16, 2016

Mexican Breakfast Bundt for #BundtBakers

Our challenge this month for Bundt Bakers is Savory Bundts, chosen by PJ of Seduce Your Tastebuds, who is hosting this month.

I tossed around a lot of ideas when choosing what I would make.  I had made a lemon and rosemary bundt when our theme was weird flavor combinations.  The rosemary lent a savory feel to the cake, even though it was sweet.  I thought about going with an herbal concoction of some sort.  Then I remembered that for the Cinnamon Bundt challenge, I had made Monkey Bread, which is very sweet but used biscuits.  This got me thinking of different pull apart breads.  I had made some amazing Garlic pull apart rolls using biscuits, so I was thinking of maybe something pizza like.  I was pretty set on that idea and then I was planning a brunch and wanted to make a Mexican Strata.  Palm strike to the head moment.....why not make a strata using biscuits in the bundt?  Well, why not, I thought.  So, I did.

I started out browning up some chorizo and onions.

Transferred the Chorizo to a bowl.
Added cheese, salsa and green chiles.

Added biscuits from a can, that I cut into quarters.
And 9 eggs that I had seasoned with salt and pepper and whisked.
Why 9?...That's how many I had LOL...use 10, 11 or 12 if you want.
Poured all of it into a bundt pan that I had sprayed very liberally with cooking spray.

Baked at 350* for 30 minutes.
It came out fluffy and beautifully browned.
I let it cool in the pan before attempting to remove it to a platter.
Praying the entire 15 minutes or so.
I ran a spatula around the edges before turning it onto a plate.

It stuck a little as you can see but not too badly.

I cut it into slices and served it by the plate since I was a little disappointed with the presentation.

It may not be beautiful but it is absolutely, mouth wateringly, delicious.
You know it is a hit when everyone went back for seconds and a couple of them went back for thirds.
It does a cook's heart good to see their food enjoyed and appreciated.
Serve this up at your next brunch, it's good for your heart.

Mexican Breakfast Bundt

1 lb. Chorizo, removed from casings
1/2 small onion, diced
1 c. salsa
1 (3 oz) can diced green chiles, drained
2 c. Shredded Mexican Blend Cheese
1 can biscuits, cut into quarters
9 eggs, whisked
salt and pepper to taste

Brown chorizo and onions in med skillet over med high heat.  Remove to a bowl and let cool slightly.  Add salsa, chiles and cheese, stir to combine.  Add the biscuits and eggs that have been seasoned with salt and pepper. Fold into sausage mixture and pour into a bundt pan that has been treated with cooking spray.  Bake in a preheated 350* oven for 30 minutes.  Let cool in pan on wire rack for 15 minutes.  Run a spatula around all edges and turn onto a plate.  Serve with extra salsa and sour cream, if desired.  Print Recipe

Look at all these wonderful savory bundts being shared today!!


#BundtBakers is a group of Bundt loving bakers who get together once a month to bake Bundts with a common ingredient or theme.  Follow our Pinterest board right here. Links are also updated each month on the BundtBakers home page.


  1. I'd be going back for seconds of that bundt. Chorizo and cheese - oh yea!

  2. I am making this. Soon. I LOVE THIS! Mexican bundt cake? What a perfect dinner! Yumm!!

  3. My family would love this one!!

  4. I have never seen a bundt cake quite like this. It sounds great with all those flavors and is far enough away from an actual cake to not seem weird with savory flavors. I once made savory muffins and though they were good, I could never get over the fact that they weren't sweet.

    1. Kinda like thinking you are drinking lemonade and you get water LOL. Funny how the mind tricks you.

  5. So creative! My only savory adventure was making stuffing in my bundt pan. Can I join the group? My bundt pan hardly gets any exercise.

    1. We would love to have you join us Nichole. I will have Stacy send you an invitation.

  6. I was entranced already by the chorizo, Wendy! What a lovely savory Bundt!

  7. You had me at chorizo and onions.

    1. The chorizo added just the right amount of zing to this recipe

  8. As long as it tastes good! It looks pretty good to me by the way!

  9. You said "chorizoooo", you had me!!! I love it!! No matter the presentation, that bundt looks amazing and the savour should be absolutely great!! I love it!!! XO


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