
Sunday, May 22, 2016

The Best Baby Back Ribs Ever for #SundaySupper

Sue, from  A Palatable Pastime, created a fun theme for this month's Sunday Supper titled Throw it on the Barbie.  She asked us to share our favorite thing to barbecue now that summer is finally here. This was an easy choice for me.  I immediately knew that I wanted to share with you the Best Baby Back Rib Recipe you have ever seen.  It is the best because not only do the ribs turn out fall off of the bone tender but it is easy peasy and other words, the perfect recipe!!

I  found this recipe many years ago on  Since that time, my husband and I have tweaked it and played with it until it was exactly what we wanted.  You start out putting a dry rub on the ribs and letting them sit out for a while so that they are room temperature when you put them on the grill.  Line your grill with foil, to catch the grease from the ribs and prevent flare ups.  Heat the grill to with the lid closed until it is good and hot.  Open the grill, put on the ribs, close it and turn the heat to low.  Now for the most important part.....Walk Away....Do Not Open the Grill for at least one to one and a half hours.  Now open the grill, slather the ribs with sauce on the top and flip them over, close the lid and let cook for 5-10 minutes.  Open the grill, slather the other side, flip them over, close the lid and let cook for another 5-10 minutes.  You are done...that's it....told you it was easy peasy.

Now you can use any rib rub that you want but I would recommend that you try our World's Best Rib Rub that I shared with you when we were celebrating Handcrafted Edibles before last Christmas. Likewise you can use your favorite jarred sauce but if you want the authentic Best Baby Back Ribs Ever then I would suggest Frank's Special Barbecue Sauce.  It is super simple, very delicious and I think you will find that you normally have all the needed ingredients on hand.  We have not used store bought sauce since the day that Frank developed this recipe.  We use it for any recipe that calls for barbecue sauce.

The recipe I am sharing will easily feed 10-12 people.  The recipe is easily reduced or increased to meet your needs.

Best Baby Back Ribs Ever

3 racks Baby Back Ribs

Rinse ribs and pat dry.  Score the membrane on the back of the ribs with a sharp knife.  Rub both sides of the ribs liberally with the rub and place onto a baking sheet.  Allow to come to room temperature before cooking.

Place a layer of heavy duty foil between the grill grates and the burners of a gas grill.  This is to prevent flare ups when the ribs render their fat.  Start the grill, set to high heat and close the lid. Allow the grill to heat for 15-20 minutes.  Place the ribs, bone side down, on the grill grates.  Close the lid, reduce heat to low and walk away.  Do Not Open the lid for at least an hour but no longer than an hour and a half.  Open the grill and slather the tops of the ribs liberally with the barbecue sauce. Flip the ribs over, close the lid and cook for 5-10 minutes.  Open the lid, slather the other side of the ribs with sauce, flip over, and cook, covered for another 5-10 minutes.  Remove ribs from grill, tent with foil and allow to rest for 10 minutes before cutting into serving size pieces.  Print Recipe

Here is what the others are grilling up today

Patio Libations
Let’s Get This BBQ Started!
The Main Event
On a Side Note
Saucy Sentiments and Rebellious Rubs
Finishing Touches
Plus Piri Piri Sauce and Recipes for Summer Grilling from Sunday Supper Movement

Sunday Supper Movement
Join the #SundaySupper conversation on twitter on Sunday! We tweet throughout the day and share recipes from all over the world. Our weekly chat starts at 7:00 pm ET. Follow the #SundaySupper hashtag and remember to include it in your tweets to join in the chat. To get more great Sunday Supper Recipes, visit our website or check out our Pinterest board. Would you like to join the Sunday Supper Movement? It’s easy. You can sign up by clicking here: Sunday Supper Movement


  1. O.M.G. My mouth is watering. I want to try this sometime this summer. Walking away for an hour and a half might be hard to do! But I'll try!!

    1. You have to fight with yourself not to check on them LOL but it is worth it.

  2. Yumm, there's nothing like ribs in the summer.

  3. I hardest part of cooking is NOT opening the grill (crockpot, oven, etc)! These ribs sound fantastic!

  4. Hi Wendy! These ribs look delicious! Frank's Special Barbecue Sauce sounds yummy as well. I've never thought of using lemon juice for the acid in the sauce, only vinegar. I'm excited to give these a try. Thanks for the recipe!


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