
Friday, May 20, 2016

Spicy Crab Dip for #FishFridayFoodies

Hi all.  It is the 3rd Friday of the know what that means, don't you?  That's right...It is Fish Friday!!!  Where a group of us Foodies get together and share a Fish or Seafood recipe with each other and all of our readers.  I started this group at the beginning of the year in an effort to add more fish and seafood to our diets.  I was thrilled and excited when 24 other bloggers asked to join me on this adventure.  Shortly after the first post which had no theme, the group decided it might be more fun and a lot more interesting if we took turns hosting with the host choosing a theme for each month.

This month my friend Caroline, of Caroline's Cooking, is hosting and has chosen the theme "Fish and Seafood with a Bit of Spice".   Great theme Caroline.  Thanks so much for taking over the reins this month.

We celebrated my husband's 65th birthday earlier this month.  We had family and a few friends over for hamburgers and chicken on the grill.  We celebrated during the week so dinner was later as to accomodate those poor souls who still have to work for a living.  

Since everyone would be arriving at different times, I set out some munchies and appetizers including this Spicy Crab Dip, to hold people over until dinner was served.

I was so anxious to try this dip that as soon as it came out of the oven, I spread some on a piece of baguette and ate it.  It was HOT....not spicy hot but boiling hot...I blistered the roof of my mouth!!  It was worth it though because it was very delicious albeit not as spicy as I would have liked, I increased the amount of hot sauce when I wrote this recipe so if you make it, it should be perfect. Please, let it cool a bit before you eat matter how amazing it smells!

Please join us next month when April of Angel's Home Sweet Homestead invites us to a Fish Fry!!  See all the info on our facebook page .  Want to join our group? Email me at

Spicy Crab Dip

1 lb. lump crab meat, picked over  
1 (8 oz) block Neufchatel cheese
1 c. sour cream
1/2 t. cajun spice mix
5 shakes of hot sauce
juice of 1/2 large lemon
1 t. Dijon mustard
1 t. garlic paste
1 (8oz) package shredded colby jack cheese

In large bowl of stand mixer, combine Neufchatel cheese, sour cream, spice mix, hot sauce, lemon juice, Dijon mustard and garlic paste.  Turn speed to low and fold in crab and half of the shredded cheese.  Turn into a casserole that has been treated with cooking spray.  Sprinkle with remaining cheese and bake in a preheated 350* oven for 20-30 minutes, until the cheese is melted and the misture is bubbly.  Print Recipe

Let's see how the others Spiced It Up!!


  1. Happy birthday, Frank! This looks fabulous, Wendy. Thanks for starting this group. I love it.

    1. It is a great group, all I did was come up with an idea. The rest of you make it great.

  2. I love the idea of adding some spice to crab dip! This looks tasty!

  3. Happy Birthday to Frank! A good way to celebrate is with some good food to eat!!

  4. And yet another recipe has been added to my list of recipes I NEED to make. This looked wonderful.

  5. Happy birthday to Mr. DITLOTF! This crab dip is now on my list of must make appetizers. In fact, I have a one pound container of lump crab meat in the fridge.... hmmmm... =)

  6. I love this dip I am going to try it soon.. delicious.

  7. So sorry your mouth had to suffer for this recipe! I bet it was worth it in the end though. This dip sounds amazing! So glad to be 1 of the 24!!!

  8. Belated Birthday wishes to your husband Wendy. Sorry I am so late to view your recipe. My little girl is off from school for the summer so lots of activities for Mum and daughter. This one is full of cheesy goodness and sure sounds like a fabulous appetizer. Sorry you burnt the roof of your mouth in the tasting process.

    1. Spending time with your daughter beats spending time reading blogs any day of the week!! Enjoy!!


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