
Saturday, April 30, 2016

The Prettiest One: An Audible Book Review

Image result for the prettiest one by james hankins

This is the 3rd audio book we have listened to by James Hankins and we enjoyed it as much as the first two, Shady Cross and Brothers and Bones.  I think I liked the characters in this novel the best of the three.  I am thrilled that Frank also enjoys these stories because, now that he is retired, we are normally together in the car and that is where I do most of my listening.  The downside of his liking the books is that I can't listen to them during solitary time while in the car or on the treadmill.

The Prettiest One:  Kaitlyn isn't sure where she is, how she got there or in whose car she is but she does know that her husband, Josh, is going to be very worried about her.  She can't seem to find her phone to call him so she just heads home.

Imagine Josh's surprise when he opens the door and finds his wife who disappeared without a trace seven months earlier.  The police and media suspected that she were dead and that the death were at the hands of her husband.  It had been a hard 7 months but he was just happy to have Kaitlyn home again.  

Kaitlyn is dumbfounded when given the news she has been missing, having no recollection of the last seven months prior to finding herself in the car she used to drive home.  Kaitlyn is carrying a bag that contains fake human hands and a gun.  She is also covered in blood.  After a night of rest, she and Josh, decide to return the car to it's owner having found a registration in the glovebox.

Bix has been worried sick when he opens his door to some guy asking for his fiancee, Katie.  He is trying to figure out who this guy is that is looking for his girl who never returned home last night when suddenly his face lights up with relief as Kaitlyn walks from the car. "Katie" Bix says "Thank God, you're home".

This starts the mystery thriller of the Prettiest One.  Who is Kaitlyn/Katie?  What has she been doing for the last 7 months?  Why did she find herself with a gun and blood soaked clothing?  Who is this Bix, who obviously loves her and from all photographic and physical evidence in his apartment, had spent 7 very happy months with Kaitlyn/Katie or whoever she is........

I am giving this book a 5 star rating.  If you like thrillers in the genre of Tom Clancy, I think you will like the writings of James Hankins as well.


  1. Another wonderful review. I let go my Audible subscription after the freebie!!

    1. Yes, it seems a shame to pay to sleep through a book Paula LOL


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